Training Courses: cover and e42037060ac (Page 1 of 2)

Certified IPC Specialist (CIS) Course IPC/WHMA-A-620 with Supplemental Hands-On "Requirements and Acceptance for Cable and Harness Assemblies"

Training Courses | | | IPC/WHMA-A-620 Specialist (CIS)

The Certified IPC/WHMA-A-620 Specialist (CIS) training focuses on cable and wire harness fabrication and installation.

Blackfox Training Institute, LLC

Profiling and Solder Reflow Course

Training Courses | | | PCB Assembly Courses

The PCB assembly courses provide knowledge of different processes and equipment used in TH and SMT assembly of printed circuit boards.

ACI Technologies, Inc.

BGA Inspection, Rework and Repair Course

Training Courses | | | PCB Inspection Courses

The PCB inspection courses focus on improving PCB yield and reliability through validation and detection of defects on electronics assemblies.

ACI Technologies, Inc.

Workmanship Standards and Instruction for the Soldering & Rework of Through-Hole and Surface Mount Components

Training Courses | | | PCB Rework and Hand Soldering Courses

The PCB rework and hand soldering courses courses cover techniques of rework and repair of PCBs, BGAs and other electronics assemblies, and teach fundamentals of soldering of electronics assemblies.

Precision PCB Services, Inc

Failure Analysis and Reliability Testing in Electronics Manufacturing

Training Courses | | | PCB Inspection Courses

The PCB inspection courses focus on improving PCB yield and reliability through validation and detection of defects on electronics assemblies.

ACI Technologies, Inc.

Virtual Course: PCB Design for Implementing 3D and High Density Semiconductor Package Technologies

Training Courses | | | PCB Design Courses

The PCB design courses teach students the process, techniques and tools needed to design layout of printed circuit boards.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Design and Manufacturing with SMT-BGA-BTC

Training Courses | | | PCB Assembly Courses

The PCB assembly courses provide knowledge of different processes and equipment used in TH and SMT assembly of printed circuit boards.

Ray Prasad Consultancy Group

ESD Program Development and Assessment (ANSI/ESD S20.20)

Training Courses | | | ESD Control Training Courses

Browse training and certification programs for electrostatic discharge (ESD) control in electronics assembly.

EOS/ESD Association, Inc.

IPC-7711/7721 Rework, Modification and Repair of Electronic Assemblies Training and Certification Program

Training Courses | ON DEMAND | | IPC-7711/7721 Trainer (CIT)

The Certified IPC-7711/7721 Trainer (CIT) courses recognize individuals as qualified trainers in the area of rework and repair of printed boards and electronic assemblies and prepares them to deliver Certified IPC-7711/7721 (CIS) training.

PIEK International Education Centre

IPC J-STD-001 Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies Training and Certification Program

Training Courses | ON DEMAND | | IPC J-STD-001 Trainer (CIT)

The Certified IPC J-STD-001 Trainer (CIT) courses prepare individuals as qualified trainers in the area of producing high quality soldered interconnections and prepares them to deliver Certified IPC J-STD-001 Specialist (CIS) training.

PIEK International Education Centre

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