Videos: *ultrasonic**stencil**cleaner* (Page 1 of 1)

SAWA SC-7000CE Portable ultrasonic cleaner Demo

SAWA SC-7000CE Portable ultrasonic cleaner Demo


Precision Fine Pitch Aperture Cleaners Thousands of dollars less than fully-automatic cleaners Low solvent usage and running costs Fast cleaning time of 1-3 minutes Minimal waste disposal Portable unit can be used directly on the screen printe

Seika Machinery, Inc.

ErgoSonic - Automatic / Closed loop Stencil & Pallet Cleaner

ErgoSonic - Automatic / Closed loop Stencil & Pallet Cleaner


The first ergonomicly designed front-loading ultrasonic stencil cleaner The ErgoSonic Model Stencil & Pallet Cleaner is fully automatic and programmable. The operator loads the stencil into an empty chamber and selects the desired cleaning profile.

Smart Sonic Stencil Cleaning Systems


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