Videos: 1

GSR1200 | Getech Automation

GSR1200 | Getech Automation


The GSR1200 is a standalone router machine specifically designed to route (depanelize) large panels with PCB size of 350mm x 350mm into individual units. It is capable of speeds of up to 100mm/s and positioning speeds of 1000mm/s. It has two worktabl

A-Tek Systems Group LLC

GSR1200E | Getech Automation

GSR1200E | Getech Automation


The GSR1200E is a single table standalone router machine that is specially designed to route (depanelize) large panels with PCB size up to 500mm x 450mm into individual units. It is capable of speeds up to 100mm/s and positioning speeds of 1000mm/s.

A-Tek Systems Group LLC


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