MX200P has a IPC9850 Speed of 15,000CPH. 4 Modular Heads, 1 Precision Head, capable of inspecting and placing parts from 01005's (0402 metric) through 1.96"x 1.96" square, or 3.54" x 1.18" rectangular.Pitch capablity 12 mil, 80 feeder slots. All Mir
Mx400L has an IPC 9850 speed of 42,000 CPH. It will accomodate a PCB size up to 26.77" x 18.11", it has 6 module heads on the front gantry, 6 module heads on the rear gantry. minimum lead pitch is 15mil, and it will place parts down to 01005 (0402 me
Small Pick and Place factory, contact
The video is showing you our latest pick and place machine Tronstol A1. We focus on how to make our SMT machines operate more efficiently assemble more accurately and use more stably all the time.
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Please check the video of Leadsmt complete online smd line , Lead-2206 online general pick and place machine with vision check system apply to all kinds of electronics with feeders only max 14 pcs . so any smt/smd pcb less than 14 pcs of components ,
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