Videos: antenna design (Page 1 of 1)

How 3D Modeling Can Maximize Accuracy in SerDes Design

How 3D Modeling Can Maximize Accuracy in SerDes Design


For more on HyperLynx: For more on HyperLynx and SerDes design: Try HyperLynx PI in the Cloud:

Mentor Graphics

Programmable Micro Coaxial Cable Stripping Machine - Schleuniger CoaxStrip 5300RX

Programmable Micro Coaxial Cable Stripping Machine - Schleuniger CoaxStrip 5300RX


The CoaxStrip 5300 RX allows you to quickly and accurately strip wires and cables that would be virtually impossible to strip by hand, with inner conductors ranging from 0.003'' / 0.07 mm (42 AWG) up to 0.080'' / 2 mm maximum cable outer diameter (O.

Schleuniger, Inc.

PCB Assembly Process in Makerfabs

PCB Assembly Process in Makerfabs


In the world of makers, people enjoy the fun of designing and developing hardware/ software, even final electronic products. They will not concentrate a lot on the cost and manufacturability. But it is quite different from lab to factory, when it com



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