www.unisoft-cim.com/pcbplace.htm - The ProntoPLACE module from Unisoft is used by electronics manufacturers to generate the necessary programs for automatic PCB assembly machines in minutes. ProntoPLACE programs most popular surface mount (SMT) place
The Assembleon AX5 is a high speed smt placement machine for pcb assembly. The unit is available demonstrated fully functional from the Capital Equipment Exchange.
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FOR SALE: Assembleon / Yamaha Opal XII smt pick and place pcb assembly machine running production. This machine is available fully functional from the Capital Equipment Exchange. http://www.ce-exchange.com/detail/assembleon-opal-xii-flex-placer-48
chip mounter, chip shooter, smd pick and place machine,placement machine,pnp machine Elaine Tel: 86-755-29605790 Fax: 86-755-89473482 Mob: +86 18898671670 +86 15811817234 Wechat: czsffy1223 Email: smttechpnp@gmail.com elaine19920114@163.com
Contact Joy Rong for details and price list WhatsApp/wechat/Skype?+86 18779975930 Email: joyrongzhuomao@outlook.com Email: info@seamarkxray.com Web: www.seamarkxray.com Features: Automatic component recognition - Automated parameter setting and co
Basically the machines I program and maintain at work. Pretty cool stuff! Our Philips Topaz and Emerald Machine building an SMT PCB. The Philips Topaz has 8 heads with vacuum that pick up components and place them on a bare PCB. The Philips Emerald
The EVS Solder Recovery system recylces solder form dross using no chemicals or additives, on site, in an efficient, easy process. As solder costs soar, manufacturers benefit from a quick ROI, reusing solder taken directly off their wave and processe