Lyra Reflow Oven is a soft soldering that realizes the mechanical and electrical connection between the solder ends of surface mount components or the pins and the printed board pads by remelting the solder paste pre-distributed on the printed board
Printed Circuit Board Protection Methods - Conformal Coating Encapsulants Potting Module Sealing Low Pressure Molding
JUKI KE 3020VL modular placement machine.
This is an indepth video showing you how to rework a BGA using the PDR IR-E3 with CCTV/Split prism vision alignment rework station from our Evolution series. We call this system the E3Vi For further details on PDR Focused IR rework stations/systems
This is an indepth video showing you how to rework a BGA using the PDR IR-E3 with CCTV/Split prism vision alignment rework station from our Evolution series. We call this system the E3Vi For further details on PDR Focused IR rework stations/systems
FOR LARGE PCBS - The PDR IR-E6 Evolution rework system is specifically designed to be ultra-accurate and providing the ultimate performance when repairing today's PCB assemblies. The IR-E6 has a very large capacity, handling PCBs up to 26" (620mm) wi
This is an indepth video showing you how to rework a BGA using the PDR IR-E3 with CCTV/Split prism vision alignment rework station from our Evolution series. We call this system the E3Vi For further details on PDR Focused IR rework stations/systems
The video is showing you our latest pick and place machine Tronstol A1. We focus on how to make our SMT machines operate more efficiently assemble more accurately and use more stably all the time.
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