Flux spray coating on a PCB with uniformal thickness down to 5 microns, with clear edge definition and minimal overspray. Can coat large or shoot dots with the same jet.
The NexJet® 8 System with ReadiSet™ Jet Cartridge offers increased jet frequency combined with advanced consumable management - it's as easy as ReadiSet and Jet. Read more at http://www.nordsonasymtek.com/nexjet
Dual valves on a single platform. One valve dispenses the dam, a second valve encapsulates the cavity. http://www.nordsonasymtek.com
This video describes the BEST BGA rework and BGA rework services capabilities. What is described in this movie are the people, processes and tools unique to BEST and how that impacts its customers. The advanced equipment set including multiple refl
http://yincae.com/index.html YINCAE SMT 256 Dipping Process YINCAE SMT 266 Jetting Process
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