Videos: class 3 lead thru hole potrusion (Page 1 of 1)

ACI Technologies Inc. - Commercial Services - Engineering, Manufacturing, Analytical and Electronics Manufacturing Training (IPC Certification Training and Custom Electronics Manufacturing Courses)

ACI Technologies Inc. - Commercial Services - Engineering, Manufacturing, Analytical and Electronics Manufacturing Training (IPC Certification Training and Custom Electronics Manufacturing Courses)


ACI Technologies Inc. (ACI) is a scientific research corporation dedicated to the advancement of electronics manufacturing processes and materials for The Department of Defense and industry. This video provides an overview of our commercial service

ACI Technologies, Inc.

What is the IPC J-STD-001?

What is the IPC J-STD-001?


This video describes what the IPC-J-STD-001 training program and the document for assembling printed circuit boards. In this video BEST Inc describes the assembly standard and what it entails . It also describes what the training program is. Operato


PRC 2000 SMT/Thru-Hole System for Miniature/Microminiature Electronic Repair

PRC 2000 SMT/Thru-Hole System for Miniature/Microminiature Electronic Repair

Videos The PRC 2000 Benchtop Factory is the ultimate rework center. The PRC 2000 can tackle just about any Thru-Hole, SMT application and is well

PACE Worldwide

ADS200 AccuDrive® Production Soldering Station Video

ADS200 AccuDrive® Production Soldering Station Video


Visit the ADS200 Webpage for pricing and more information. The New ADS200 AccuDrive™ Production Sold

PACE Worldwide

PACE SX-100 Sodr-X-Tractor Desoldering Handpiece (comes with MBT 301)

PACE SX-100 Sodr-X-Tractor Desoldering Handpiece (comes with MBT 301)


The SX-100 Sodr-X-Tractor is the solder extraction handpiece for high volume operations. It uses PACE's new SX-100 desoldering tips, the longest lasting desoldering tips availible on the market today. The SX-100 features a disposable collection chamb

PACE Worldwide

PACE MBT 350 Multi-Channel Solder, Desolder & Rework System - Product Overview

PACE MBT 350 Multi-Channel Solder, Desolder & Rework System - Product Overview


The MBT 350, from PACE, is the standard that all other rework and repair systems are measured by. The system features PACE's exclusive IntelliHeat technology and can be used with 10 different handpieces. The MBT 350 has three handpiece channels tha

PACE Worldwide

What is the IPC J-STD-001?

What is the IPC J-STD-001?


This video describes what the IPC-J-STD-001 training program and the document for assembling printed circuit boards. In this video BEST Inc describes the assembly standard and what it entails . It also describes what the training program is. Operato

BEST IPC Training

ALPHA® XL-825 Cored Solder Wire

ALPHA® XL-825 Cored Solder Wire


ALPHA® Telecore XL-825 lead-free cored solder wire minimizes spattering in hand soldering operations, thus reducing circuit board contamination and enhancing worker safety and comfort.

MacDermid Alpha Electronics Solutions


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