Software Version 4.2.4e Electrical two-pole test Electrical transistor test Shared databases Hydra Electrical measurement Hydra high speed Line mode Fast place sequence Hydra large component range Hydra fine pitch In/Out conveyor board trai
Make: Mycronic Model: My200LX-14 Vintage: 2014 Description: Pick & Place Software Release: TPSys 4.3.2b for Ubuntu Linux Details: • Electrical Two-Pole Test • Electrical
Make: Mycronic Model: My200DX-14 Vintage: 2016 SW Version: TPSys 3.3.2 Details: • Electrical Two-Pole Test • Optical Centering • Barcode Reader • Conveyor • Shared Databases • HYDRA • Z High Speed • HYDRA High Speed • Autoteach • Linescan for Z
Make: Mydata Model: My100SX-14 Vintage: 9/2010 Description: Pick & Place Software Release: TPSys 4.2.3b for Ubuntu Linux Details: • Electrical Two-Pole Test • Electrical Transistor Test • Shared Databases • HYDRA &bu
The XRHCount is the leading contactless SMD-counting device using X-ray technology. Seamless integration to all common ERP/MES and traceability system ensure data availability. With a counting speed under 10 seconds per reel the system causes an extr
Our new PNP-Creator job preparation softare is a real WSWYG editor to setup all parameters during job preparation. Gerber file import show PCB representation. Feeder file import is used for feeder assignment. We are able to import a wide range of
Cluso InvMan Smart Mobile Trolleys with wi-fi connection to the Cluso server allow for high efficiency manufacturing operations, including Kitting, Storing, Material Tracking, MSD device tracking by MSL, and long term traceability of components down
Basically the machines I program and maintain at work. Pretty cool stuff! Our Philips Topaz and Emerald Machine building an SMT PCB. The Philips Topaz has 8 heads with vacuum that pick up components and place them on a bare PCB. The Philips Emerald