Videos: dek 265 actuator (Page 1 of 1)

DEK 265 GSX SN8101

DEK 265 GSX SN8101


1996 DEK 265 GS(X) Screen Printer Power: 110 VAC; 37A; 60Hz; 1 Phase Machine Dimensions: 52" x 57" x 58" (excluding light tower Serial: 171247 78881 01 Features: Green Camera Upgrade Stencil Wipe Feature Auto-Flex Tool

Baja Bid

Auto Dip Soldering Machine ADS-3530

Auto Dip Soldering Machine ADS-3530


Quick Overview: The ADS- 3530 is ideal for electronic assemblers looking for an easy and affordable way to improve soldering speed and consistency. Dramatically more efficient and reliable than hand soldering or manual dipping, the ADS-3530 features

1ClickSMT Technology Co., Ltd.

Auto Dip Soldering Machine ADS-3530G

Auto Dip Soldering Machine ADS-3530G


Quick Overview: The ADS- 3530 is ideal for electronic assemblers looking for an easy and affordable way to improve soldering speed and consistency. Dramatically more efficient and reliable than hand soldering or manual dipping, the ADS-3530 features

1ClickSMT Technology Co., Ltd.

Auto Dip Soldering Machine ADS-3530G

Auto Dip Soldering Machine ADS-3530G


Quick Overview: The ADS- 3530 is ideal for electronic assemblers looking for an easy and affordable way to improve soldering speed and consistency. Dramatically more efficient and reliable than hand soldering or manual dipping, the ADS-3530 features

1ClickSMT Technology Co., Ltd.


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