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ZESTRON® EYE // Automatic Concentration Monitoring System

ZESTRON® EYE // Automatic Concentration Monitoring System


Automatic Concentration Monitoring System ZESTRON® EYE is a digital monitoring system that enables the precise measurement and control of the cleaning bath concentration for electronics cleaning processes in real time even in presence of dissolved c

ZESTRON Americas

ZESTRON® EYE is a digital monitoring system that enables the precise measurement and control of the cleaning bath concentration for electronics cleaning processes in real time even in presence of dissolved contaminations.

ZESTRON® EYE is a digital monitoring system that enables the precise measurement and control of the cleaning bath concentration for electronics cleaning processes in real time even in presence of dissolved contaminations.


Incorporating the ZESTRON® EYE's 3P-Technology, the ZESTRON® EYE CM monitors and controls wash bath concentration in real time. This stand alone concentration management system easily integrates with batch and inline cleaning systems. It is independe

ZESTRON Americas

Nu/Clean Aqua Batch

Nu/Clean Aqua Batch


See the Nu/Clean Aqua Batch Aqueous Batch Cleaner in operation! Quick, quiet, close loop cleaning at a great price! For technical specifications, visit our website

Technical Devices Company

Nu/Clean Aqua Batch

Nu/Clean Aqua Batch


See the Nu/Clean Aqua Batch Aqueous Batch Cleaner in operation! Quick, quiet, close loop cleaning at a great price! For technical specifications, visit our website

Technical Devices Company

Immersion gold VS Plating gold


There are several surface treatment for PCB board: bare board (no treatment on the surface), rosin board, OSP (Organic Solderability Preservatives), HASL (lead tin, lead-free tin), plating gold, immersion gold, etc., these are relatively conscious tr



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