Videos: gpd cf-10 radial lead former (Page 1 of 1)

Precision Lead Former for Raidal Components (CF9)

Precision Lead Former for Raidal Components (CF9)


The CF-9 Radial Lead Former forms and cuts 2- and 3-leaded taped radial components such as TO-92s, capacitors, transistors, LEDs, etc. - precisely and repeatedly, in standard and special forms. This machine is capable of forming and cutting up to 25

GPD Global

Precision Lead Former for Axial Components (CF8)

Precision Lead Former for Axial Components (CF8)


Eliminate Body Stress with Versatile CF-8 GPD's CF-8 eliminates component body stress. Versatility is the key word for the CF-8. Simple tooling changes make short or long run production jobs quick and easy. Capabilities Meets exacting military s

GPD Global

This Radial Lead Former CF10 handles 2- to 7-leaded Radial components in bulk or loose form and is capable of a variety of forms including flushmount, standoff, lock-in, and spread forms.

This Radial Lead Former CF10 handles 2- to 7-leaded Radial components in bulk or loose form and is capable of a variety of forms including flushmount, standoff, lock-in, and spread forms.


Forms and Cuts Multiple Leaded Radial Components into Numerous Form Styles GPD Global Axial precision lead formers have been industry standards since the 1980s, consistently out performing and out living the competition. The CF-10 for bulk or loose

Southwest Systems Technology

CF9 Lead Former

CF9 Lead Former

Videos This amazing taped Radial components is capable of forming a variety of forms including flushmount, standoff, and lock-in (dependent on inserted dies). Find out more

Technical Resources Corporation

This amazing taped Radial components is capable of forming a variety of forms including flushmount, standoff, and lock-in (dependent on inserted dies).

This amazing taped Radial components is capable of forming a variety of forms including flushmount, standoff, and lock-in (dependent on inserted dies).


GPD Global Axial precision lead formers have been industry standards since the 1980s, consistently out performing and out living the competition. The CF-9 for taped Radial components is capable of forming a variety of forms including flushmount, stan

Southwest Systems Technology


gpd cf-10 radial lead former searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

GPD Global
GPD Global

A Manufacturer of High Quality, Precision, Automated Fluid Dispensing and Conformal Coating Systems, SMT Cover Tape Peel Tester and Lead Forming machines for through-hole component preparation.


611 Hollingsworth Street
Grand Junction, CO USA

Phone: (970) 245-0408

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