Videos: how to select in gc prevue (Page 1 of 1)

Example of how to import CAD data and BOM files, and export to a Selective Soldering machine program setup file.

Example of how to import CAD data and BOM files, and export to a Selective Soldering machine program setup file.

Videos - The ProntoSELECTIVE-SOLDERING module from Unisoft is used by electronics manufacturers to generate the necessary programs for automatic PCB Selective Soldering machines in minutes. ProntoSELECTIVE-SOLDERING helps prog

UNISOFT Corporation

Example of how to import CAD data and BOM files, and export setup files for ATE, flying probe ATE and design 'bed of nails' fixturing.

Example of how to import CAD data and BOM files, and export setup files for ATE, flying probe ATE and design 'bed of nails' fixturing.

Videos - In minutes the Unisoft ProntoTEST-FIXTURE software translates CAD & BOM files into real reference designators, netlists, X/Y component pin geometries, values, tolerances, part numbers, etc. This data is used by Test

UNISOFT Corporation

Example of how to import CAD data and BOM files, and export to an assembly machine program set up file.

Example of how to import CAD data and BOM files, and export to an assembly machine program set up file.

Videos - The ProntoPLACE module from Unisoft is used by electronics manufacturers to generate the necessary programs for automatic PCB assembly machines in minutes. ProntoPLACE programs most popular surface mount (SMT) place

UNISOFT Corporation


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