Videos: mydata and tp9-ufp and hydra (Page 1 of 1)

Mydata MY12 SMT Pick and Place

Mydata MY12 SMT Pick and Place


2004 Mydata MY 12 SMT Pick and Place Power: 210 / 121VAC; 3 Phase Machine Dimensions: 132" x 48" x 60" Features: Electrical two-pole test Optical Centering HYDRA; HYDRA High Speed Z High Speed; Autoteach Line Scan Software Version 2.4.6b

Baja Bid

2012 Mydata My100 SXE Pick and Place

2012 Mydata My100 SXE Pick and Place


This unit is for sale and immediately available. Contact Lewis and Clark, inc. at Make: Mydata Model: My100 SXE Vintage: 2012 Software: TPSys 2.9.25c Details: • Electrical two-pole test • Electrical transistor test • Optical

Lewis & Clark


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