Videos: qfp or the (Page 1 of 1)

BGA Removal with PACE IR 1000 Infrared Rework System

BGA Removal with PACE IR 1000 Infrared Rework System


In this video we briefly demonstrate the removal of a BGA component from a smart phone circuit board. To get a quote or obtain more information on the IR 1000, visit the link below:

PACE Worldwide

Reworking a BGA with the PDR Focused IR-E3 (inc.BGA vision alignment) Rework Station

Reworking a BGA with the PDR Focused IR-E3 (inc.BGA vision alignment) Rework Station


This is an indepth video showing you how to rework a BGA using the PDR IR-E3 with CCTV/Split prism vision alignment rework station from our Evolution series. We call this system the E3Vi For further details on PDR Focused IR rework stations/systems


Reworking a BGA with the PDR Focused IR-E3 (inc.BGA vision alignment) Rework Station

Reworking a BGA with the PDR Focused IR-E3 (inc.BGA vision alignment) Rework Station


This is an indepth video showing you how to rework a BGA using the PDR IR-E3 with CCTV/Split prism vision alignment rework station from our Evolution series. We call this system the E3Vi For further details on PDR Focused IR rework stations/systems


Reworking a BGA with the PDR Focused IR-E3 (inc.BGA vision alignment) Rework Station

Reworking a BGA with the PDR Focused IR-E3 (inc.BGA vision alignment) Rework Station


This is an indepth video showing you how to rework a BGA using the PDR IR-E3 with CCTV/Split prism vision alignment rework station from our Evolution series. We call this system the E3Vi For further details on PDR Focused IR rework stations/systems



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