The SlimPro, and Standard Pro Feeders from Automation Technical Services solve the problem of accommodating your 0201 SMT component requirements with existing Quad/Tyco assembly equipment platforms. These Feeders are designed to accurately pick 020
MACTECH Instructional Video
Small Pick and Place factory, contact
Small Pick and Place factory, contact,
Please check the video of Leadsmt complete online smd line , Lead-2206 online general pick and place machine with vision check system apply to all kinds of electronics with feeders only max 14 pcs . so any smt/smd pcb less than 14 pcs of components ,
The smt machine now is doing led 5050,IC And resistors. It already updated in 2019 and in July it sell more than 60 sets for one big offer in China , it with 28 electric feeders , more faster than the cheaper machines .it is used for all kinds of ele
Led bulbs production line in India 2019 July newly installed contact : skype id : peter.huang187 , Mobile : 0086-13610497541 email :
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