Videos: reflow cold spots (Page 1 of 2)

I.C.T Lyra Series Reflow Oven with CBS Function

I.C.T Lyra Series Reflow Oven with CBS Function


Lyra Reflow Oven is a soft soldering that realizes the mechanical and electrical connection between the solder ends of surface mount components or the pins and the printed board pads by remelting the solder paste pre-distributed on the printed board

Dongguan Intercontinental Technology Co., Ltd.

How to Use and Read Humidity Indicator Card Type 2 - Humitector™

How to Use and Read Humidity Indicator Card Type 2 - Humitector™


A Sustainable Alternative - Humitector cards are halogen-free and cobalt dichloride free. Visit

Clariant Cargo & Device Protection

PCB turn conveyor, PCB rotation conveyor,90°Turn Conveyor

PCB turn conveyor, PCB rotation conveyor,90°Turn Conveyor

Videos PCB rotation conveyor PCB turn conveyor|180 degree or 90 degree turning rotational transport change PCB side direction output reflow oven for PCB turn conveyor and PCB diverter changing the PCB conveying direct

ASCEN Technology

PCB turn conveyor, PCB turning conveyor,90°Turn Conveyor

PCB turn conveyor, PCB turning conveyor,90°Turn Conveyor

Videos PCB rotation conveyor PCB turn conveyor|180 degree or 90 degree turning rotational transport change PCB side direction output reflow oven for PCB turn conveyor and PCB diverter changing the PCB conveying direct

ASCEN Technology

PCB turn conveyor, PCB turning conveyor,90°Turn Conveyor

PCB turn conveyor, PCB turning conveyor,90°Turn Conveyor

Videos PCB rotation conveyor PCB turn conveyor|180 degree or 90 degree turning rotational transport change PCB side direction output reflow oven for PCB turn conveyor and PCB diverter changing the PCB conveying direct

ASCEN Technology

PCB rotational transport, PCB rotation conveyor,PCB rotating transporter

PCB rotational transport, PCB rotation conveyor,PCB rotating transporter

Videos PCB rotation conveyor PCB turn conveyor|180 degree or 90 degree turning rotational transport change PCB side direction output reflow oven for PCB turn conveyor and PCB diverter changing the PCB conveying direct

ASCEN Technology

PCB turn conveyor, PCB rotation conveyor,PCB turning conveyor

PCB turn conveyor, PCB rotation conveyor,PCB turning conveyor

Videos PCB rotation conveyor PCB turn conveyor|180 degree or 90 degree turning rotational transport change PCB side direction output reflow oven for PCB turn conveyor and PCB diverter changing the PCB conveying direct

ASCEN Technology

How to Use and Read Humidity Indicator Card Type 2 - Humitector™

How to Use and Read Humidity Indicator Card Type 2 - Humitector™


Humitector™ Type 2 Humidity Indicator Card, used together with a Desi Pak® desiccant, can help provide a complete history of a dry pack environment for moisture sensitive surface mount devices (SMD's) (MSD - moisture sensitive

Clariant Cargo & Device Protection

PCB turn conveyor, PCB turning conveyor,90°Turn Conveyor

PCB turn conveyor, PCB turning conveyor,90°Turn Conveyor

Videos PCB rotation conveyor PCB turn conveyor|180 degree or 90 degree turning rotational transport change PCB side direction output reflow oven for PCB turn conveyor and PCB diverter changing the PCB conveying direct

ASCEN Technology

PCB rotational transport, PCB rotation conveyor,PCB rotating conveyor

PCB rotational transport, PCB rotation conveyor,PCB rotating conveyor

Videos PCB rotation conveyor PCB turn conveyor|180 degree or 90 degree turning rotational transport change PCB side direction output reflow oven for PCB turn conveyor and PCB diverter changing the PCB conveying direct

ASCEN Technology

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