Videos: rv-2 3d (Page 1 of 1)

Introducing the next generation RV-2 3D PWB visual Inspection machine (AOI).

Introducing the next generation RV-2 3D PWB visual Inspection machine (AOI).


Inline type high-speed and high-precision board inspection machine that can be used in a wide variety of inspection processes. Space saving and compact single-lane inspection machine. High Accuracy High Speed RV-2 3D AOI High Speed Image Proces

Southwest Systems Technology

RV-2-3DH/RV-2-3DHL Visual Inspection Machine (3D AOI/SPI)

RV-2-3DH/RV-2-3DHL Visual Inspection Machine (3D AOI/SPI)


The new outstanding high-speed and high-precision board inspection RV-2-3DH is equipped with a new 12 Megapixel camera achieving the highest throughput. It has an inspection capability of 0.4x0.2mm size SMDs with its new standard resolution lens of 1

Southwest Systems Technology


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