BGA integrated circuits and chip scale packages, CSPs where the solder connections are not visible. This has arisen as a result of the need for greater numbers of interconnections to integrated circuit packages and as a general result of increasing c
BEST, Inc. is an authorized IPC Training Center and offers the IPC-A-610C Certified Instructor Program. Students who complete the program are considered Class "A" Instructors and are qualified to teach the 2 day Worker Proficiency training and certif
We stopped by ifixit for a chat about our new TruView Fusion CT - our 3D X-Ray system. And of course, we did a virtual teardown of the Apple AirPod, because we just can't help ourselves...
Demand for a power connector system has arisen in a number of high-reliability markets that require durability, high performance and extreme temperature tolerance in the 5-10 Amp range. Harwin’s M300 series connectors meet these reqirements, with cab