www.unisoft-cim.com/cells.html - CELLS WORKFLOW is affordable, simple to setup & use yet powerful product & job tracking software for fast New Product Introduction (NPI). The CELLS WORKFLOW software provides total traceability in manufacturing floor
SMT Loader&Unloader for load & unload PCB board magazine storage racks GoldLand Electronic Technology Co., Ltd 88#, Nan Ling Road, Xin Qiao, Sha Jing, Shenzhen 518103, China Tel : +86-13823675048 ? Wechat / WhatsApp ? Skype: sophyluo1985 Email:
Product introduction: 1.This equipment is used to collect bare PCBs at the end of SMT production line 2.Stable and reliable PLC control system; 3.Easy to operate LED touch screen control interface; 4.Uninterrupted loading; 5.Machine always fault
QXJ-NC32 SMT pick and place nozzle cleaning machine In the field of the semiconductor industry today, with the development of SMT, small parts into small, high-density mounting and base for reality, and future development trends will be further co
Dual valves on a single platform. One valve dispenses the dam, a second valve encapsulates the cavity. http://www.nordsonasymtek.com
https://www.ascen.ltd/Products/Component_lead_forming_machine/ Cut and bend machine for taped axial components. axial component lead former be often used the axial resistance and diode. This is the motorized type former, you can use this axial lead f
Humitector™ Type 2 Humidity Indicator Card, used together with a Desi Pak® desiccant, can help provide a complete history of a dry pack environment for moisture sensitive surface mount devices (SMD's) (MSD - moisture sensitive
A Sustainable Alternative - Humitector cards are halogen-free and cobalt dichloride free. Visit https://www.clariant.com/solutions/products/2017/10/31/00/12/humitector-type-2-nonreversible-humidity-indicator-card?utm_source=CLRYouTube&utm_medium=Vi
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