Videos: wafer bumping (Page 1 of 1)

HELLER INDUSTRIES Presents: Formic Acid Sintering

HELLER INDUSTRIES Presents: Formic Acid Sintering


Nano-copper sintering in formic acid vapor.

Heller Industries Inc.

Electrovert - MicroCel Centrifugal Cleaner

Electrovert - MicroCel Centrifugal Cleaner


The first technology to use centrifugal energy to clean electronic circuit assemblies, precision parts, and semiconductor packages. The system offers unparalleled penetration, solubilization, and contaminant removal The MicroCel Centrifugal Cleanin


Ideal solution for 300mm (12 inch) wafer testing

Ideal solution for 300mm (12 inch) wafer testing


The Condor Sigma W12 is specifically designed for precision shear testing and Cold Bump Pull (CBP) on wafer or at wafer level. The system has the largest X/Y and fastest stages available in the industry, to reach all positions on the wafer with the t


NF120(200 nano resolution) X-ray Inspection System

NF120(200 nano resolution) X-ray Inspection System


#Xray#Inspection#SEC Nano-focus Tube of 200 nano resolution which is specialized for sub-micron defects of Semiconductor Packaging, Wafer Level Packaging(WLP). -Non-destructive Analysis System -High-Resolution Image with Dual Type CTs -Application





ScanCOMPONENT is a PC-based offline component programming system for the creation of vision data files from the smallest flip chip and bumped packages to the largest odd form devices. The ScanCOMPONENT is a standalone Product as well as a module of

ScanCAD International, Inc.


wafer bumping searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Best SMT Reflow Oven

World's Best Reflow Oven Customizable for Unique Applications
AI Data Center Hardware Manufacturing

High Precision Fluid Dispensers
PCB Handling Machine with CE

Software programs for SMT placement and AOI Inspection machines from CAD or Gerber.
High Throughput Reflow Oven

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