Electronics Forum: 160xi (4)

X-ray X-Tek Harrier 160Xi - breakdown

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 03 04:44:52 EST 2019 | grimus

Hello, My X-Ray X-Tek Harrier 160 Xi has crashed last week. Do any of you have experience with this equipment? Do you know whether spare parts for this model is still available somewhere? (it's no longer manufactured). thanks for any help!

X-ray X-Tek Harrier 160Xi - breakdown

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 03 12:46:46 EST 2019 | robl

Nikon X-Tek in the UK have always been very responsive to me on older models, so worth messaging them: https://www.nikonmetrology.com/en-gb/services-support/contact-support Good luck.

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