SMT Panasonic nozzle 230C WhatsAPP|MP:+8613823724660 More details refer to company CM402 1.CM402 Vacuum Sensor(1-4 head):N610026749AA/KXF0DWVWA00/KXF0DWVWA01/N610040037AA 2.CM402 Sensor(5-8head): N6100
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Panasonic original new sensors (PM-L24) More Panasonic nozzles in stock CM402 nozzle: 1, CM402 110 nozzle: KXFX0383A00 2, CM402 115A nozzle: KXFX037NA00 3, CM402 120 nozzle: KXFX0384A00 4, CM402 130 nozzle: KXFX0385A00 5, CM402 140 nozzle: K
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
PANASONIC 230C NOZZLE CM402 nozzle: 1, CM402 110 nozzle: KXFX0383A00 2, CM402 115A nozzle: KXFX037NA00 3, CM402 120 nozzle: KXFX0384A00 4, CM402 130 nozzle: KXFX0385A00 5, CM402 140 nozzle: KXFX0386A00 6, CM402 161 nozzle: N61000467
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PANASONIC CM402/CM602 feeder cart CM402/CM602 feeder cart | QYSMT × Home About US ABOUT US FAQ SMT spare parts SMT Surplus equipments SMT peripheral equipments News Contact US 0 0 Sign in Contact Us Products CM402/CM602 feeder cart Public Pricelist Public Pricelist
No.KXFW1KS8A00,KXFW1KSEA00 without sensor. 72mm/emboss tape feeder with sensor,model No.KXFW1KS9A00, KXFW1KSFA00 without sensor. CM402 CM602 88MM FEEDER KXFW1KS10A00 stick feeder KXFW1KSRA00 KME NPM CM101 CM212 CM232 CM401 CM402 CM602 DT401 Intelligent Power Tape
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