New Equipment | Board Handling - Pallets,Carriers,Fixtures
Time and temperature are very important variables in soldering printed circuit boards. It is important to bring the circuit board assemblies up to a high enough temperature for a long enough period to effectively solder the components to the board. G
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 17 10:30:03 EST 1998 | Kelly Morris
I am currently evaluating some different reflow ovens for a future purchase. The manufacturers we are looking at are Conceptronic, BTU, and Heller. Any feedback on these manufacturers would be welcome. I am particularly interested in: 1.Service res
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 29 10:42:47 EDT 2002 | Jim M.
I had problems with white residues on both WS609 and WS 3060.The WS 3060 turned out to be a carbonized material.The composition after analysis (Energy Dispersive X-ray spectrum) turned out to be tin,tin,phosphore and cloline and tin. Alpha also have
. The basic principle of SMT reflow soldering machine: 1. Provide extremely low oxygen concentration to reduce the oxidation degree of flux. 2
SMT Machine Parts FUJI SMT Dip Flux Unit / POP feeder UF07200 for FUJI smt machine Leave a Message We will call you back soon