Electronics Forum: 20gold (6)

Tinlead on goldfingers

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 02 06:30:57 EDT 2005 | davef

Mrduckmann2000: While your machine sounds neat, the "magic juice" is exactly what RB is trying to avoid. Look here: http://www.ape.com/images/msds/6911-1336%20GOLD.doc

Black Pad

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 25 08:29:08 EDT 2003 | davef

We accept your plea of innocence, but be careful. See, there is always someone out there trying to trick you. Here are some pretty good articles: 8 Black pad articles: 8a Nick Biunno's article: http://www.nukcg.org/downloadfiles/Hadco%20on%20Immers

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