Electronics Forum: 20rework (2)

QFN's and LGA's

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 03 16:10:54 EDT 2009 | mattkehoe

Here is a little different spin on re-working/hand placing LGA's.. http://www.sipad.com/download/LGA%20Rework%20Document.pdf

Using isopropanol with DI water for rinsing after washing boards

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 10 10:45:32 EST 2011 | aqueous

The use of IPA in automated defluxing systems is nearly extinct for the following reasons: 1. IPA is flammable. In a spray-in-air environment, the already low flashpoint is even lower. 2. IPA is not a great solvent. There are specific containme

Industry News: 20rework (1)

Den-On BGA Rework System

Industry News | 2003-10-23 11:44:56.0

Precision PCB Services, Inc. Hosts Demonstrations

Precision PCB Services, Inc

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