Used SMT Equipment: 2cph (3)

Juki JUKI FX-1

Juki JUKI FX-1

Used SMT Equipment | SMT Equipment

The High-speed Modular Mounter FX-1R is a traditional modular chip shooter driven at extreme speeds. Refinements in the drive system deliver real world improvements in actual throughput. ■   33,000CPH:chip (optimal) / 25,000CPH: chip (IPC 9850) ■

Shenzhen ever-honesty Technologies CO.,LTD



Used SMT Equipment | SMT Equipment

The High-speed Modular Mounter FX-1R is a traditional modular chip shooter driven at extreme speeds. Refinements in the drive system deliver real world improvements in actual throughput. ■   33,000CPH:chip (optimal) / 25,000CPH: chip (IPC 9850) ■

Shenzhen ever-honesty Technologies CO.,LTD

Parts & Supplies: 2cph (1)

Juki JUKI high-speed patch machine FX-1R product

Juki JUKI high-speed patch machine FX-1R product

Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories

The JUKI high-speed patch machine FX-1R corresponds to a high-speed mount using an advanced linear motor and a unique HI-Drive mechanism, which inherits the traditional concept of a modular mount machine and realizes a high-speed mount machine. Reaso

KingFei SMT Tech

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