Electronics Forum: 2feeder setup 40stations (1)

Quad 4C

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 03 16:08:23 EDT 2012 | elefu

Just got some Quad 4C's. Need some help. I am setting up a line and have no experience in this at all. This is what I need: 1. Manual for quad4c - this would help greatly. 2. Feeders! 3. Someone who may want to have so phone conversations with a n

Used SMT Equipment: 2feeder setup 40stations (5)

Panasonic RL132 (NM-EJR5A) Radial Insertion Machine

Panasonic RL132 (NM-EJR5A) Radial Insertion Machine

Used SMT Equipment | THT Equipment

Panasonic Radial Insertion Machine Model: RL132 (NM-EJR5A) Vintage: 2014 Less Than 200 Hours! 40 Station Setup Feeders & Accessories Included Like-New Condition & Fully Operational

LEL Tech

Assembleon AX301

Assembleon AX301

Used SMT Equipment | Chipshooters / Chip Mounters

2014  AX301 •Installed Aug. 2014 •Maintained per Assembleon / KnS schedule •Machine SW version 8.245 •System Controller version – SC4 •6x SPRs (standard placement robot) •4x ETX1 PCC •1x ETX2 PCC •1x ETX3 PCC •6x PHS (laser) •1x CV camera (upward lo

Assured Technical Service LLC

Videos: 2feeder setup 40stations (5)

Yamaha S20 Modular Pick and Place Machine


Yamaha S20 Modular Pick and Place Machine ❙ Features of Yamaha SMT S20 Pick and Place Machine Yamaha 3D hybrid modular pick and place machine, Yamaha SMT chip mounter, Yamaha S20 placement speed 45,000CPH, applicable components 0201 (mm)

Dongguan Intercontinental Technology Co., Ltd.

SMT Label Mounter

SMT Label Mounter


SMT Label Mounter ETA-310 ​ If you could not find any similar items you want, you may send some photos to us. because our catalog and website haven't included all of our products. SMT Label Mounter,Online SMT Label Mounter,PCB Board Automatic L

Dongguan Intercontinental Technology Co., Ltd.

Express Newsletter: 2feeder setup 40stations (144)

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