Industry Directory: 50-60 (1)

shenzhen SUNWARD Electronics Equipment Ltd

Industry Directory | Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions

We are a big trader for secondhand SMT equipments(surface mounting technology equipment) in ShenZhen, China. We often have a large purchasing requirement due to our big sales team. We want to buy

New SMT Equipment: 50-60 (302)

Inspection Conveyor (1.2M)

Inspection Conveyor (1.2M)

New Equipment | Board Handling - Conveyors

technical parameter: Model 1200 Track length 1200mm Supply power Ac220v/ single phase 50/60hz PCB size Wide 50-400 mm We


Semi automatic solder machine (1.2M)

Semi automatic solder machine (1.2M)

New Equipment | Printing

Technical parameter: Model 1200 Printing area 1250×320mm Fixed printing position PCB Outer Or Pin Positioning Table trimming Front/Back±


Electronics Forum: 50-60 (37)

KISS selective soldering machines conversion to Europe 240V 50Hz

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 28 14:20:32 EDT 2024 | mistrthou

Ours may be different, but the back power plates (yes, there's two) show 2082/220v 50/60Hz 30A and 115/120v 50/60Hz 15A Thinking the frequency won't matter. You'd be a bit above the high side of voltage. How did you end up with a KISS over there? Th

Scrap criteria

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 20 15:37:24 EDT 2005 | intermin

Well, at that value point, I'd go with the hourly ( unburdoned ) high-skill rework/repair rate up to 50%-60% of the board value. If this is part of an integrated system ( in-house assembly ) repair to value ratio could go even higher.

Used SMT Equipment: 50-60 (755)

Ersa Versaflow 50/60

Ersa Versaflow 50/60

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Selective

This machine will become available for sale in September 2022. The machine is in complete & operational condition. For more information e-mail

Baja Bid

Phoenix Micromex 180

Phoenix Micromex 180

Used SMT Equipment | X-Ray Inspection

Type: microme|x 180 SN:ANA01C0006-133908 Vintage: 2008 230 V 50/60 Hz 2000 VA 8.7 A 10 A

Baja Bid

Industry News: 50-60 (54)

KEMET Announces Enhanced Strategic Plan

Industry News | 2003-07-10 08:36:25.0

To execute this strategic plan, KEMET is reorganizing its operations around the world.


New Yorker Electronics Reveals Promising Option for Hard-To-Find Oscillator Devices

Industry News | 2022-06-08 15:03:39.0

Raltrons' XCO Series Oscillators Deliver in 4 Weeks When Other Manufacturers Have 50 - 60 Weeks Lead Times

New Yorker Electronics

Parts & Supplies: 50-60 (99)

Yamaha YV100X YAMAHA multi-functional chip mounter

Yamaha YV100X YAMAHA multi-functional chip mounter

Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories

Product name: YV100X YAMAHA multi-functional chip mounter Product number: YV100X Products in detail YAMAHA multi-function placement machineYAMAHA YV100X  substrate size: ATS20 (end to put) W -AT assembly: L460 * W250 (Max)/L50 * W50 (Min)sub


Yamaha YG200 YAMAHA  medium speedchip mounter

Yamaha YG200 YAMAHA medium speedchip mounter

Parts & Supplies | Semiconductor & Solar

Product number: YG200 Products in detail Yamaha YG200 high-speed SMT machine Speed: 0.08 seconds/CHIP (IPC9850conditions) 1608 CHIP: 34800 CPH (0.103 seconds/CHIPconversion) 16 pinsop: 24400 CPH (0.147 SEC/SOPconversion) (Max 80 varieties


Technical Library: 50-60 (1)

Surfaces of mixed formulation solder alloys at melting

Technical Library | 2022-10-31 17:25:37.0

Mixed formulation solder alloys refer to specific combinations of Sn-37Pb and SAC305 (96.5Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu). They present a solution for the interim period before Pb-free electronic assemblies are universally accepted. In this work, the surfaces of mixed formulation solder alloys have been studied by in situ and real-time Auger electron spectroscopy as a function of temperature as the alloys are raised above the melting point. With increasing temperature, there is a growing fraction of low-level, bulk contaminants that segregate to the alloy surfaces. In particular, the amount of surface C is nearly _50–60 at. % C at the melting point. The segregating impurities inhibit solderability by providing a blocking layer to reaction between the alloy and substrate. A similar phenomenon has been observed over a wide range of (SAC and non-SAC) alloys synthesized by a variety of techniques. That solder alloy surfaces at melting have a radically different composition from the bulk uncovers a key variable that helps to explain the wide variability in contact angles reported in previous studies of wetting and adhesion. VC 2011 American Vacuum Society. [DOI: 10.1116/1.3584821]

Auburn University

Videos: 50-60 (616)

Siemens 80 S15 SN8164 1

Siemens 80 S15 SN8164 1


1996 Siemens SIPLACE 80 S15 SMT Pick & Place Power: 110/208 VAC; 9 A; 50/60 Hz Machine Dimensions: 64" x 100" x 68" (excluding light tower) Note: No Feeders or Feeder Tables are included in this lot. Serial: 586-8164 Features: S/W Versi

Baja Bid

Siemens SIPLACE 80 F3 SN 8166

Siemens SIPLACE 80 F3 SN 8166


1996 Siemens SIPLACE 80 F3 SMT Pick & Place [includes Wafflepack Changer] Power: 110/ 208 VAC; 9A; 50/60 Hz Machine Dimensions: 64" x 108" x 68" (excluding light tower) Note: No Feeders or Feeder Tables are included in this lo

Baja Bid

Career Center - Jobs: 50-60 (2)

Production Engineer-PCB Assembly

Career Center | Dallas, Texas USA | Engineering

Production Engineer-PCB Assembly: BS required, Experience in full-line support of SMT, T/H; NPI / DFM tools. Position pays between 50-60K. If you are interested please send resume to

EMSR, Inc.

12 Jobs Hire b4 January

Career Center | , Texas USA | Engineering,Management,Production,Purchasing,Quality Control

TEXAS JOBS � Must hire by January! Global Company New Contract! Tier 1 EMS (before Flex declared they are the only Tier 1) HR CALLED US! HELP! HIRE TODAY! Quality Engineers 55-70k Supplier Quality Engineer Logistics Specialist 50-60k(looki


Career Center - Resumes: 50-60 (1)

An outstanding professional

Career Center | Fort Mill, South Carolina USA | Engineering,Maintenance,Research and Development

Have serviced AMF pinspotters both mechanical and electrical sides; included repair of chassis pc boards to component level. 20 years in this field. Have worked in PCB manufacture  with old style board populators and Panasert robots Worked in H

Partner Websites: 50-60 (2156)

2006 Ersa Versaflow 50/60 Selective Solder - Baja Bid LLC

Baja Bid |

2006 Ersa Versaflow 50/60 Selective Solder - Baja Bid LLC Skip to content Your EMS Asset Management Partner Careers | Current Auctions Linkedin page opens in new window Baja Bid LLC Your EMS Asset Management Partner Home About Services Managed Online Auctions Asset Analysis Consignment Program Cash Buyout Program

Baja Bid

GREASE TOPAS NCA 52 50 ML | Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd |

GREASE TOPAS NCA 52 50 ML | Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd × Home about Us FAQ SMT spare parts SMT surplus equipment SMT peripheral equipments News Contact US 0 0 Sign in contact us Products GREASE TOPAS NCA 52 50 ML Public Pricelist Public Pricelist GREASE

QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

50-60 searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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