Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 08 05:17:55 EST 2006 | SAMSUNG user
We have CP60 in the last 2 years, and CP63 1 year. You should check your local C/S about spare part stock, service support, and training for your employees. My conclusion about Samsung Techwin MC's is: cheap, and working well. But dont except too muc
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
2 units Samsung CP60 NEO for sales. Excellent condition. email:champ_technology@yahoo.com
Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories
SAMSUNG ORIGINAL USED SMT SM421 LIGHT ELECTROMAGNETIC VALVE P/N: RCS242-M3-D24/NPJ6702049A More Samsung parts in stocks CP45 VALVE SY3120-5MZ-M5-F1 J6719039A CP45 VALVE SY3140R-5LZ J6719038A CP45 SOLENOID VALVE DV1120-5V-M5-R TPC J6702032A CP
Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories
SAMSUNG SM8mm FEEDER TRACHEA More Samsung parts in stocks CP45 VALVE SY3120-5MZ-M5-F1 J6719039A CP45 VALVE SY3140R-5LZ J6719038A CP45 SOLENOID VALVE DV1120-5V-M5-R TPC J6702032A CP45 SOLENOID VALVE K180-4E1-21-DC24V J6702021A CP40 CP60 CP63 ME