Electronics Forum: jbc thermo profiles hot air (11)

Re: IR rework stations

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 13:17:06 EDT 1999 | Jeff Ferry

| | | Hiya, | | | | | | Could anyone please suggest recommended manufacturers of | | | IR rework stations for the removal of various SMT comps. | | | | | | Cheers | | | | | Why IR ? Ok, I�ve seen only one but that thing burnt the PCB before the s

Re: IR rework stations

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 13:37:06 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | | Hiya, | | | | | | | | Could anyone please suggest recommended manufacturers of | | | | IR rework stations for the removal of various SMT comps. | | | | | | | | Cheers | | | | | | | Why IR ? Ok, I�ve seen only one but that thing burnt the

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Industry News: jbc thermo profiles hot air (4)

Effective protection for PCBs while desoldering

Industry News | 2017-01-31 03:13:13.0

• JBC improves its Hot Air stations for a better rework process. • The company will be demonstrating the JTSE and TESE stations at the IPC APEX EXPO 2017 • Booth 715

JBC Soldering Tools

PDR Americas Releases PDR ThermoActive Suite Plus Rework Software

Industry News | 2016-09-08 13:16:47.0

PDR Americas today announces its latest upgrade – the new ThermoActive Suite Plus ‘dynamic profile software,’ signaling a new era in rework process control. PDR’s recently released advanced state-of-the-art smart algorithms and high-speed processing capability ensures the most exacting rework process control in the industry.


Express Newsletter: jbc thermo profiles hot air (547)

Air Powered Dispensing

Air Powered Dispensing If you don't see the images, please visit online version at #Application.SmtNet.baseURL#/express/ Featured Article Air Powered Dispensing EFD Inc. Liz Mitchell Air-powered dispensing systems use controlled pulses

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