Electronics Forum: ace kiss preheat problems (5)

Selective Solder Equipment

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 10 00:21:34 EST 2010 | geocep

I have recently purchased an ACE Kiss 101A Selective Solder System 4 weeks ago. I am having a terrible experience. The nozzle will not stay wet, and the flux-er pattern continues to shift erratically; all leading to very poor quality process. ACE

Selective Soldering Issues

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 21 16:30:47 EDT 2012 | grauen06

We are currently using an ACE K.I.S.S. 104. We used SN100 solder with AIM NC265 flux (no clean, alcohol-based). Also, we use topside preheat at 100 degrees C and a 6mm nozzle (as big as we can go with this application). The PCB has a matte finish as

Used SMT Equipment: ace kiss preheat problems (17)



Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Selective

Non Conveyorized. Has lead and no lead pots, topside preheater and nitrogen. For boards 20 18 x 24. New 2008

Petlock Incorporated

ACE Kiss 102

ACE Kiss 102

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Selective

Vintage:  2007 Details: • Leaded-currently filled with solder • Single Pot • Topside Preheat • Nitrogen capable         • Set up camera • Spray fluxer • 3 nozzles included Condition:  Complete & Operational Location:  LCI FL  / FOB origin

Lewis & Clark

Industry News: ace kiss preheat problems (3)


Industry News | 2010-09-02 16:09:40.0

Each step in the electronics assembly process will be on display and fully functioning on the show floor at Electronics Midwest, produced by IPC — Association Connecting Electronics Industries® and Canon Communications.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Libra Industries Upgrades the Speed on Its ACE K.I.S.S. Selective Solder System

Industry News | 2017-02-20 16:25:11.0

Libra Industries is pleased to announce that it has upgraded the software on its ACE K.I.S.S. 102 selective solder machine. With the new software and drive system, Libra Industries’ ACE K.I.S.S. 102 runs up to 30 percent faster and the programming time has been reduced by at least 50 percent. Additionally, the new software has a better user interface along with dual screens to watch the product run and detect issues early on.

Libra Industries, Inc.

Express Newsletter: ace kiss preheat problems (405)

Partner Websites: ace kiss preheat problems (19)

Auction - Benchmark Electronics | The Branford Group

| http://www.thebranfordgroup.com/dnn3/Auction/BENC0423.aspx

& Long-Star Soldering: ACE KISS LTS200 Selective Solder Electrovert Vectra ES2 Wave Solder Technical Devices MP18 Wave Solder Technical Devices CV18 Wave Solder Washing

Dispense System Service Guide

GPD Global | https://www.gpd-global.com/co_website/pdf/doc/Dispense-System-Service-Guide-22290008G.pdf

correction without notice. Although reasonable care has been exercised in the preparation of this manual to make it complete and accurate, this manual does not purport to cover all conceivable problems or applications pertaining to this machine. GPD Global©

GPD Global

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