Electronics Forum: adhesion of molding compound on leadframe (3)

Affect of Solder Mask on Heat Dissipation

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 05 10:21:21 EST 2007 | davef

Thermal conductivity [W/m-�C] * Silver: 418 * Aluminum: 403 * Copper [rolled annealed]: 392 * Copper [electrodeposited]: 392 * Gold: 297 * Nickel: 90.7 * Tin: 73 * SAC: 73 * Castin: 57 * Pb37Sn63: 51 * Lead: 35 * Epoxy, phenolic: 25-75 * Conformal co

Re: Adhesion loss on passives over wave

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 18 20:08:34 EST 1999 | Steve Gregory

Are you suggesting there may be some chemical incompatibility between paste/flux chemistries and the glue being used - thus intefering with the glue's ability to bond properly? I've only heard of this possibility, but never experienced it. Justin, St

Industry News: adhesion of molding compound on leadframe (4)

Nordson MARCH Presents Paper at SMTA Guadalajara on Enhancing Performance of PCBAs Using Plasma Treatment

Industry News | 2017-10-05 19:30:49.0

Nordson MARCH will present the paper, Enhancing the Performance of Printed Circuit Board Assemblies Using Plasma Treatment, at SMTA Guadalajara 2017. David Foote, Global Applications Manager, Nordson MARCH, will discuss the fundamentals of plasma treatment. Specific applications and examples will be shown to demonstrate the many uses and benefits of plasma processing for printed circuit board assemblies (PCBAs), including managing electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage.

MARCH Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

Nordson MARCH Research Evaluates the Effects of RF Plasma Processing Prior to Conformal Coating on Adhesion, Conformity of Coverage, and Electrical Functionality

Industry News | 2016-03-03 08:27:28.0

Nordson MARCH has recently released a white paper showing the results of RF plasma processing on conformal coating adhesion, the conformity of the coating coverage, and the resulting effects on electrical functionality of a fully assembled printed circuit board. The research was done in conjunction with Nordson ASYMTEK, AirBorn Electronics, and SMART Microsystems (formerly known as Desich SMART Center). The paper can be downloaded at http://bit.ly/MARCH-PlasmaWP.

MARCH Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

Technical Library: adhesion of molding compound on leadframe (2)

Effects of Package Warpage on Head-in-Pillow Defect

Technical Library | 2017-07-06 15:50:17.0

Head-in-pillow (HiP) is a BGA defect which happens when solder balls and paste can't contact well during reflow soldering. Package warpage was one of the major reasons for HiP formation. In this paper, package warpage was measured and simulated. It was found that the package warpage was sensitive to the thickness of inside chips. A FEM method considering viscoelastic property of mold compound was introduced to simulate package warpage. The CTE mismatch was found contributes to more than 90% of the package warpage value when reflowing at the peak temperature. A method was introduced to measure the warpage threshold, which is the smallest warpage value that may lead to HiP. The results in different atmospheres showed that the warpage threshold was 50μm larger in N2 than that in air, suggesting that under N2 atmosphere the process window for HiP defects was larger than that under air, which agreed with the experiments.

Samsung Electronics

Effect of Silicone Contamination on Assembly Processes

Technical Library | 2013-02-07 17:01:46.0

Silicone contamination is known to have a negative impact on assembly processes such as soldering, adhesive bonding, coating, and wire bonding. In particular, silicone is known to cause de-wetting of materials from surfaces and can result in adhesive failures. There are many sources for silicone contamination with common sources being mold releases or lubricants on manufacturing tools, offgassing during cure of silicone paste adhesives, and residue from pressure sensitive tape. This effort addresses silicone contamination by quantifying adhesive effects under known silicone contaminations. The first step in this effort identified an FT-IR spectroscopic detection limit for surface silicone utilizing the area under the 1263 cm-1 (Si-CH3) absorbance peak as a function of concentration (µg/cm2). The next step was to pre-contaminate surfaces with known concentrations of silicone oil and assess the effects on surface wetting and adhesion. This information will be used to establish guidelines for silicone contamination in different manufacturing areas within Harris Corporation... First published in the 2012 IPC APEX EXPO technical conference proceedings.

Harris Corporation

Express Newsletter: adhesion of molding compound on leadframe (330)

Partner Websites: adhesion of molding compound on leadframe (192)

Journal of SMT Articles

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA) | https://www.smta.org/knowledge/journal.cfm


Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

"Lead-Free" Semiconductor Industry-SMT Technical-Reflow oven,SMT Reflow Soldering Oven-cmsadmin

| http://etasmt.com/cc?ID=te_news_industry,3561&url=_print

) and its compounds in some of their manufacturing operations, such as solder plating. This article aims to provide the reader some basic background information on the semiconductor industry's "lead-free" (Pb-free) initiatives

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