Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider
GPSL is an authorized partner for resale of PTC Arbortext Advanced Print Publisher (APP) aka Advent 3B2. We are also authorized to deliver training and counseling for PTC Arbortext.
New Equipment | Fume Extraction
PUREX by EasyBraid offers an extensive range of fume extraction solutions. These range from machines to protect a single person to powerful centralized systems to cater to multiple users or high volume continuous automated processes. With the advent
New Equipment | Industrial Automation
Sandy.[] Sandy.[WhatsApp/Skype/Mobile:+8618020776786] Sandy.[Quote to you within the shortest possible time with our best price] Warranty: up to 12 months Shipping: fast delivery is available NEW+ORIGINAL+IN STOCK+ONE
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 02 10:17:16 EST 2001 | daled
I have read that with the advent of no clean fluxes, Isopropyl alcohol is not the best cleaning agent to use when cleaning screen's and pcb's.Is this true?..and if so what are the alternatives ?. We have just changed 90% of our products over to NO CL
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 01 08:27:29 EST 2006 | Chunks
I haven't seen a hydrometer used in years. Are you still foam fluxing? There used to be automatic units available, but with the advent of the spray fluxer, they may have dried up. If you are still foam fluxing with alcohol thinner, place ping pong
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
We have some Universal Genesis feeders (Green) for sales For models as follows GC120 : 4991A, 4991B, 4991C, 4991D GC60 : 4990A, 4990B, 4990C, 4990D GC30 Advents GSM2 GSM1 2X8 : 49889205, 49889204 8MM : 49680302, 49680301 12MM :49680402,
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
We have some Universal Genesis Gold feeders for sales For models as below: Genesis GC120 : 4991A, 4991B, 4991C, 4991D GC60 : 4990A, 4990B, 4990C, 4990D GC30 Advents GSM2 GSM1 2x8 : 50381207, 49889207, 50381205 8mm : 50934703 12mm : 509
Industry News | 2010-06-04 16:23:16.0
BANNOCKBURN, Ill., USA — The IPC Solder Products Value Council (SPVC) has published a free white paper, Analytical Procedures for Portable Lead-Free Alloy Test Data, that provides a set of test protocols for the evaluation of new lead-free alloys on the basis of their physical properties. Developed in cooperation with leading original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and electronics manufacturing services (EMS) companies, the white paper will help the electronics assembly industry reduce the time and effort required to characterize an alloy and improve its processes without jeopardizing reliability.
Industry News | 2010-12-01 14:28:16.0
With hundreds of opportunities for problems to surface during the electronics manufacturing process, it is a credit to the manufacturing and engineering talent of the industry that planes fly, pacemakers keep hearts beating and phones are at the ready to provide Facebook updates or even make a call. To keep these dedicated professionals up-to-date on the latest causes and cures for assembly and solder defects, IPC and the U.K. National Physical Laboratory (NPL) have teamed up to sponsor a free webinar at 12:00 pm (noon) U.S. Central time on January 27, 2011 — a precursor to the hands-on, three-day Process Defects Clinic that will be held at IPC APEX EXPO in April.
Technical Library | 2011-11-10 18:06:17.0
With the advent of larger packages and higher densities/pitch the Industry has been concerned with the coplanarity of both the substrate package and the PCB motherboard. The iNEMI PCB Coplanarity WG generated a snapshot in time of the dynamic coplanarity
Technical Library | 2011-12-01 16:57:22.0
Are electronics any “greener” than before RoHS? It is a fair question to ask. With the advent of RoHS on July 1, 2006, and more recently REACH, one might be inclined to answer that it is greener than it was. We will take a look at this question in several
Training Courses | | | PCB Rework and Hand Soldering Courses
The PCB rework and hand soldering courses courses cover techniques of rework and repair of PCBs, BGAs and other electronics assemblies, and teach fundamentals of soldering of electronics assemblies.
Events Calendar | Tue Jul 17 00:00:00 EDT 2018 - Wed Jul 18 00:00:00 EDT 2018 | ,
Fan Out Packaging- Technology Overview and Evolution - SMTA Webtorial
Events Calendar | Wed Apr 20 00:00:00 EDT 2022 - Wed Apr 20 00:00:00 EDT 2022 | ,
Virtual Course: Selection Criteria of Surface Finish for Next Generation PCB Technologies