New SMT Equipment: alpha ef-2210 (1)

ALPHA® Liquid Soldering Flux

ALPHA® Liquid Soldering Flux

New Equipment | Solder Materials

ALPHA® EF-Series fluxes offer environmentally friendly benefits, while providing unmatched soldering performance. The ALPHA soldering flux line is unsurpassed in providing wave soldering process solutions. Its alcohol-based fluxes provide excellent w

MacDermid Alpha Electronics Solutions

Electronics Forum: alpha ef-2210 (4)

Kiss selective solder flux

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 22 14:19:38 EDT 2019 | gregcr

Thank you ProcEng1 Nordson sent me a flux suggestion list: No Clean: 1. Kester Select 10 2. ALPHA EF-2210 3. AIM FX-16 Water Sol: KESTER 2331-ZX Nozzle Tinning: SUPERIOR #75

Flux Residues on Wave Soldered PCBAs

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 29 16:20:57 EDT 2016 | davef

"ALPHA® EF-2210 is VOC-free, halide-free, rosin/resin-free, low solids no-clean flux which provides the highest activity of any VOC-free Bellcore SIR compliant flux for defect-free soldering. "[2016 Alpha Assembly Solutions] I assume that you're tal

Express Newsletter: alpha ef-2210 (122)

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