Electronics Forum: alpha ws619 (4)

Re: Aqueous Technologies Cleaners

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 11 12:46:02 EST 2000 | Christopher Lampron

We too had a problem with the WS609. We have since switched to Alpha's WS619 (same formula with an anti-foaming agent) This really helped but we still monitor flux application and try to minimize wherever possible. Chris

Re: S.P.O.T.T.

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 11 14:58:45 EDT 2002 | Chris Lampron

Hello Sean, We are currently using a Pin in Paste process to mount some through hole relays. This particular board has 72 relays per. We have cut the stencil to overprint the hole. By putting a small amount of solder in the hole to flux the lead, th

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