Electronics Forum: amistar 5630 (8)

Trouble loading a program on Amistar 5630 and 5720

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 12 10:46:37 EDT 2006 | mhanc

I am trying to help a customer with a problem. His Process Tech is out and the operator is trying to load a program via floppy. When trying to load on the Amistar 5630 the following errors occur: Data Type Error (level.4) we continue to load and

Trouble loading a program on Amistar 5630 and 5720

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 13 08:27:19 EDT 2006 | wrongway

Hello Mark level 4 error need to header initialize its under program data as far as mdI01 error looks like a flag field error check the F field for the item codes or fiducial codes. MDI03 error fiducial mark is not aquired need to aquire the f

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