Electronics Forum: ammonium (15)

ammonium sulfate etching process

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 16 06:13:16 EST 2000 | Adam Seychell

I am currently building a home PCB etching tank based on the ammonia/ammonium sulfate chemistry. The etching system consists of a etching tank, and an electrolytic copper recovery tank. The result is a infinitely replenishable etching system without

Re: ammonium sulfate etching process

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 16 07:32:51 EST 2000 | R Missimer

I have seen several patents on this process, and would discuss with you my understanding. I would also be interested in how things worked out for you, and your findings overall. Please advise RMissimer@ieee.org

Industry News: ammonium (1)

Piezoelectric Pressure Transducers -- Working Principle, Characteristics and Applications

Industry News | 2021-11-01 21:29:30.0

The piezoelectric pressure transducer, a measuring precision instrument, mainly works with the piezoelectric effect that is the use of electrical components and other machinery to convert the pressure to be measured into electricity, and then carries out the relevant measurement. Piezoelectric pressure transducers include pressure transmitters and sensors. Piezoelectric transducers cannot be used in static measurements because the charge imposed by an external force could be preserved only when the circuit has an infinite input resistance. But that's not true in actual situations. Therefore, they are only used in dynamic measurements.

OKmarts Industrial Parts Mall

Technical Library: ammonium (1)

Electrochemical Sensors For Nitrogen Species: A Review

Technical Library | 2021-02-17 22:41:48.0

This review provides an overview of electrochemical sensors for nitrogen species, especially, ammonium, nitrate, and nitrite. Due to the extensive anthropogenic activities, the concentration of nitrogen species has been dramatically increased in the environment. In particular, fertilizers containing ammonium and nitrate have been extensively used in agriculture where as nitrite-included additives or preservatives have been used in food industry. Since excessive nitrogen species have an adverse effect to environment and human health such as eutrophication and methemoglobinemia (blue baby syndrome), efforts have been made to develop efficient monitoring methods. On that account, the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established the maximum contaminant level (MCL) for nitrate and nitrite to be 10mg/L nitrate-N and 1mg/L nitrite-N in drinking water, respectively. Typical analytical methods for nitrogen species are chromatography or spectrometry. However, these methods require expensive instrumentations, skilled operator, and considerable sample pretreatment and analysis time. As an alternative approach, electrochemical sensors have been explored to monitor nitrogen species owing to its simplicity, superior sensitivity, versatility, rapidity, field applicability, and selectivity. In this review, electrochemical based detection methods for nitrogen species especially ammonium, nitrate and nitrite are systematically discussed, including the fundamentals of electrochemical techniques, sensing mechanisms, and the performance of each sensor. doi.org/10.1016/j.snr.2020.100022

University of Connecticut

Express Newsletter: ammonium (1)

Partner Websites: ammonium (3)

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