Industry Directory: application hanging (1)

Blue Thunder Technologies, Inc.

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Blue Thunder Technologies manufactures a wide variety of wiping products and can supply virtually any type of consumable item used in cleanrooms, assembly lines, laboratories, and manufacturing.

New SMT Equipment: application hanging (3)

i-DR Series Fluid Delivery System - Designed for Highest Flexibility & Ultimate Performance

i-DR Series Fluid Delivery System - Designed for Highest Flexibility & Ultimate Performance

New Equipment | Dispensing

NSW Automation design and manufacture fluid dispensing system and solutions. Dispensing process is achieved by various delivery method (dotting, casting, sealing, filling, jetting etc) to meet process requirements. Application range from LED, COB, Se

NSW Automation Sdn Bhd

Panasonic SP70 Screen Printer

Panasonic SP70 Screen Printer

New Equipment | Printing

Ultra-high accuracy screen printing Panasonic's SP70 screen printer is designed for both high- and low-volume manufacturers who require ultra-high printing accuracy. PCBs up to 580 x 508mm are processed in a smaller footprint than previous SP-serie

Panasonic Factory Solutions Company of America (PFSA)

Electronics Forum: application hanging (17)

Orbotech Vantage S22 - Help needed -

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 03 19:17:49 EDT 2021 | oriolsancheza

Hello, We recently purchased two Orbotech Vantage S22 without any manual/guide for setup. So it's being quite difficult to make them work. We tried to contact orbotech but no luck, nobody replies. One of the machines hangs when starting Orpro First

Re: Recommended DPAK land pattern is too small...???

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 14 23:49:37 EST 2000 | DL

Our land patterns are slightly bigger than the part, we've had no problems. There are your own concerns about the part hanging over the pads, this can be ok or not depending on your application and/or how much part is over. I'm sure this is in the J-

Industry News: application hanging (25)

Heller Shanghai Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary on Jan 31, 2013

Industry News | 2013-01-04 15:59:09.0

04 Jan 2013 Heller Industries Shanghai will be celebrating its 10th year of operation on Jan 31, 2013.

Heller Industries Inc.

Successful ASM Roadshow in Manaus

Industry News | 2016-07-02 06:26:47.0

ASM Assembly Systems with their Partners Easy have just completed another roadshow in Manaus, Brazil. The event was hosted in the facility of EASY, an ASM partner in the city of Manaus. EASY and ASM provide sales, service, applications and spare parts support from this building for SIPLACE and DEK customers in the Manaus area.

ASM Assembly Systems GmbH & Co. KG

Parts & Supplies: application hanging (2)

Yamaha Three / Five Tubes SMT Spare Parts , Vibration Feida Feeder Yamaha YS12 YS24

Yamaha Three / Five Tubes SMT Spare Parts , Vibration Feida Feeder Yamaha YS12 YS24

Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories

Supply SMT placement machine accessories PANASONIC Panasonic CM88 belt wheel CM2# Supply SMT placement machine accessories Jiuzhou Panasonic CM202-DS pulley M4 full thread pulley Supply SMT Jiuzhou Matsushita Mounter Accessories CM402 Buffer KXF0DK

KingFei SMT Tech

Yamaha KGK-M9267-01X GUIDE YAMAHA Sli

Yamaha KGK-M9267-01X GUIDE YAMAHA Sli

Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories

Mounter F4F5HS50HS60 D series Feeder accessories 2X8mm pressure cover improved 00309036-05 Off-the-shelf Sanyo X100X110X200X210 Feeder  accessories 8*2 Feida connecting rod 630 095 8713 SMT placement machine F4F5HS50 HS60 D series Feeder 

KingFei SMT Tech

Technical Library: application hanging (1)

Optimized Stress Testing for Flexible Hybrid Electronics Designs

Technical Library | 2020-10-08 01:01:01.0

Flexible hybrid electronics (FHE) is emerging as a promising solution to combine the benefits of printed electronics and silicon technology. FHE has many high-impact potential areas, such as wearable applications, health monitoring, and soft robotics, due to its physical advantages, which include light weight, low cost and the ability conform to different shapes. However, physical deformations in the field can lead to significant testing and validation challenges. For example, designers must ensure that FHE devices continue to meet their specs even when the components experience stress due to bending. Hence, physical deformation, which is hard to emulate, has to be part of the test procedures for FHE devices. This paper is the first to analyze stress experience at different parts of FHE devices under different bending conditions. We develop a novel methodology to maximize the test coverage with minimum number of text vectors with the help of a mixed integer linear programming formulation. We validate the proposed approach using an FHE prototype and COMSOL Multiphysics simulations

Arizona State University

Videos: application hanging (1)

auto pcb screen printer , auto PCB stencil printer , PCB solder paste printer ,  PCB screen printer, SMT stencil printer

auto pcb screen printer , auto PCB stencil printer , PCB solder paste printer , PCB screen printer, SMT stencil printer

Videos full auto PCB screen printer and SMT solder paste printing machine with Image and optical system,It is a very accurate fully automatic SMT stencil printer.automatic PCB screen printer main

ASCEN Technology

Express Newsletter: application hanging (540)

SMTnet Express - November 3, 2016

SMTnet Express, November 3, 2016, Subscribers: 26,550, Companies: 15,009, Users: 41,360 A Novel Method for the Fabrication of a High-Density Carbon Nanotube Microelectrode Array Adam Khalifa, Zhaoli Gao, Amine Bermak, Yi Wang, Leanne Lai Hang Chan

Partner Websites: application hanging (12)

Display Regulations | IPC APEX EXPO 2021


) from the aisle line. The set-back rule is waived for machinery display. Hanging Signs Hanging signs are not permitted over in-line booth configurations

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