New SMT Equipment: assembleon topaz x gem series (2)

philips feeder & assembleon feeder

philips feeder & assembleon feeder

New Equipment |  

Philips GEM Feeders 1.Philips CL 8x2mm Feeder KW1-M1300-020 2.Philips GEM 08x02 Feeder PA2903/74 3. Philips GEM 8mm Feeders PA2903/79 4. Philips GEM 12mm Feeders PA2903/ 5. Philips GEM 16mm Feeders Variable Pitch 6. Philips GEM 24mm Feeders PA2

SMTebuy Dpt.


New Equipment | Pick & Place

The GEM Topaz-X features a high precision single placement beam carrying 4 Flying Nozzle Change heads (each equipped with 3 nozzles) and 4 standard heads with exchangeable nozzles. The placement beam moves in X/Y and Z direction, while the board and

Global Power Products

Electronics Forum: assembleon topaz x gem series (8)

Assembleon GEM series 380V/400V

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 29 09:27:49 EDT 2020 | zombee

Dear friends, We have a pack of Philips/Assembleon pick and place machines, from CSM and GEM series. I want to set up a "new" Emerald machine, it had been working in Germany 1.5 year ago. It has 3-phase connector. I noticed that it was set

I need suggestions on which low-medium volume pick and place capable of running 0201 / 01005 components I should buy.

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 26 16:07:07 EST 2013 | kevslatvin

What vintage are the gem series you are running? We have some '06 Opal Xii's and place 0201's with them. Haven't tried 01005's. I know you said new but Cardinal Circuit has an auction gonig right now that has a 2010 Assembleon MG1 and a 2006 MG2 and

Used SMT Equipment: assembleon topaz x gem series (6)

Assembleon Topaz Xi GEM

Assembleon Topaz Xi GEM

Used SMT Equipment | SMD Placement Machines

*   DOS   *   Flying Nozzle change   *   Fiducial camera   *   Pneumatic tape feeder   *   Locate Pin   *   Edge clamp   *   Z servo push plate   *   Entrance sub stop   *   Exit sub stop   *   Auto width adjust   *   Feeder float detection

Baja Bid

Assembleon Topaz X

Assembleon Topaz X

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Low Hour Assembleon Topaz X Pick and Place system. Auction item AUCTION STARTS SOON! Topaz and GEM feeders also available.  See our site for details

X-Line Asset Management

Parts & Supplies: assembleon topaz x gem series (13)

Yamaha CL-type Feeder for GEM (-X) series

Yamaha CL-type Feeder for GEM (-X) series

Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders

CL-type Feeder for GEM (-X) series CL-type Feeder for GEM (-X) series CL-type Feeder for GEM(-X)series: Emerald, Topaz, Sapphire, Opal, Topaz-X, Topaz-XII, Emerald-X, Emerald-XII CL8x2mm (CL-823) for 0201 = metric 0603 (PA2903/77, YamahaKW1-M150

ZK Electronic Technology Co., Limited

Yamaha Which series nozzles could be used for Phlips Topaz and Emerald machine

Yamaha Which series nozzles could be used for Phlips Topaz and Emerald machine

Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders

Which series nozzles could be used for Phlips Topaz and Emerald machine As we know, many parts are compatible for Yamaha and Philips machines, but some models their nozzles are not generic.So which series nozzles could be used for Phlips Topaz and

ZK Electronic Technology Co., Limited

Career Center - Jobs: assembleon topaz x gem series (1)

SMT Technician

Career Center | Duarte, California USA | Production

This position requires someone who is able to work in a flexible atmosphere and who has the ability to work in a team environment. Good communcation skils, attention to details, mechanically inlclined, and good computer skills are essential. Respo

Accu-sembly, Inc.

Career Center - Resumes: assembleon topaz x gem series (2)


Career Center | ORLANDO, Florida USA | Engineering,Maintenance,Production,Technical Support

Manufacturing tech/eng for a contract manufacture for 10+ years. Been working in the SMT industry for a total of 20yrs. Have done everything from operator to process work. Most familiar with Assembleon, MPM, DEK, BTU,Electrovert, SLIM-KIC, SUPER-MOLE

Equipment Engineer\B Tech (EC)\7.5+ Years Ex

Career Center | Dargaha Road Zameen Pallavaram Chennai, Tamilnadu India | Maintenance,Technical Support

CURRENT JOB: • Responsible for four sub department as Production support, Preventive maintenance activity, Spare parts control and NPI (New product Introduction) under one Equipment department. • Take care of OEE (Overall Equipment Efficiency), MTTR

Express Newsletter: assembleon topaz x gem series (939)

Partner Websites: assembleon topaz x gem series (52)

Count On Tools 2010-0753


» SMT Custom Nozzles » Other LEDs » Seoul P4 LED Nozzle for Assembleon GEM 30-Series with plastic tip [2010-0753] Seoul P4 LED Nozzle for Assembleon GEM 30-Series with plastic tip [2010-0753

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