Industry Directory: auditing (48)

SQA Services, Inc.

Industry Directory | Recruiter / Employment Company

A leading Supply Chain and Quality Assurance consulting firm specializing in the management of Supplier Audit, Remediation, Validation, Quality Engineering, and Inspection programs.

BBA Associates Ltd

Industry Directory |

Solution Providers to the Electronics Industry

New SMT Equipment: auditing (36)

INSTOCK Consigment Program for SMT Nozzles, Tooling, & Consumables

INSTOCK Consigment Program for SMT Nozzles, Tooling, & Consumables

New Equipment | Pick & Place

The INSTOCK Consignment Plus Program has been developed to give EMS companies and contract manufacturers immediate access to project critical products with no up-front inventory costs or risk of overstock. INSTOCK program serves participants world-wi

Count On Tools, Inc.

BGA Rework Service

BGA Rework Service

New Equipment | Rework & Repair Services

BGA Rework Service - Your BEST Source For High Quality BGA Rework Services BEST provides industry-leading solutions for BGA and other grid array device reworks. Our engineers have developed better processes to make BGA Rework Service more repeatable


Electronics Forum: auditing (178)

Nadcap certification

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 20 11:43:01 EDT 2013 | action_101

Hello, Has anyone gone through the audit/certification process for Nadcap AC7120? It is an audit on circuit card assemblies. We are set to go through the audit in July and I would like some information on how thorough the audit was for you. Any i

ISO Registered vs ISO Certified

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 11 13:10:58 EDT 2015 | horchak

ISO has absolutely nothing to do with quality. You either build a quality product or you don't. The audits and maintenance of the certification is expensive, and the audits are a joke. Stop and think that the individual doing the audit has no idea ho

Used SMT Equipment: auditing (1)

Panasonic CM401

Used SMT Equipment | SMT Equipment

CM401-L Placement Machine B-type (MF) 2 Feeder Carts CE-Mark Transformer for 230/400 V 50 Hz 930 mm Pass line height 930 mm PCB Transfer Height (per Gang Cart) NG Components Ejection Conveyor Upstream Extension Conveyor Tray Lifter Shuttle (ST40S-20)


Industry News: auditing (363)

Newport Corporation has New Board Members

Industry News | 2003-04-21 09:53:12.0

Michael T. O'Neill and Peter J. Simone


Circuit World 'continues to outperform majority of printed circuit industry'

Industry News | 2003-02-25 09:31:32.0

Toronto-based Circuit World Corporation (CCW) today announced its fourth quarter and audited year-end results to December 31, 2002.


Technical Library: auditing (1)

Best Practices for Improving the PCB Supply Chain: Performing the Process Audit

Technical Library | 2018-08-03 14:37:59.0

In the electronics industry, the quality and reliability of any product is highly dependent upon the capabilities of the manufacturing suppliers. Manufacturing defects are one of the top reasons why companies fail to meet warranty expectations. These problems can result in severe financial pain and eventual loss of market share. What a surprising number of engineers and managers fail to realize is that focusing on processes addresses only part of the issue. Supplier selection also plays a critical role in the success or failure of the final product.

DfR Solutions (acquired by ANSYS Inc)

Videos: auditing (8)

BGA Rework Service

BGA Rework Service


This video describes the BEST BGA rework and BGA rework services capabilities. What is described in this movie are the people, processes and tools unique to BEST and how that impacts its customers. The advanced equipment set including multiple refl


BGA Rework Service and Repair Services By BEST, Inc.

BGA Rework Service and Repair Services By BEST, Inc.


This video describes the BEST BGA rework and BGA rework services capabilities. What is described in this movie are the people, processes and tools unique to BEST and how that impacts its customers. The advanced equipment set including multiple refl


Training Courses: auditing (8)

Counterfeit Component Prevention Training Course

Training Courses | | | Other Courses

Other courses related to electronics manufacturing and assembly

Blackfox Training Institute, LLC

How To's of In-Plant ESD Auditing and Evaluation Measurements

Training Courses | | | ESD Control Training Courses

Browse training and certification programs for electrostatic discharge (ESD) control in electronics assembly.

EOS/ESD Association, Inc.

Events Calendar: auditing (8)

Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Inspection & Quality Control

Events Calendar | Mon Sep 14 00:00:00 EDT 2020 - Mon Sep 14 00:00:00 EDT 2020 | ,

Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Inspection & Quality Control

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

IPC Tech Ed Webinar Series - Electrostatic Discharge Control - Game Changing Threats - FREE Introduction Webinar

Events Calendar | Tue Sep 24 00:00:00 EDT 2019 - Tue Sep 24 00:00:00 EDT 2019 | ,

IPC Tech Ed Webinar Series - Electrostatic Discharge Control - Game Changing Threats - FREE Introduction Webinar

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Career Center - Jobs: auditing (58)

Fiber Quality Engineer

Career Center | Aurora, Illinois USA | Quality Control

Manufacturer of passive fiber optic components and cabling seeking a "hands-on" lead quality engineer with strong knowledge of fiber optic design and manufacturing. Ability to manage the efficiency and effectiveness of the quality system, and audi

Kay and Associates, Inc.

Electronics Experts Needed - Contract Jobs

Career Center | Any location, USA | Management,Quality Control,Technical Support

Do you have experience in some or all of these processes: Printed Boards, or Printed Board Assemblies, or Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies? To learn more about this opportunity click now!! An excellent contract job opportunity for consultants or

Performance Review Institute

Career Center - Resumes: auditing (60)

Quality assurance

Career Center | Bhiwadi, India | Quality Control

TS 16949:2009 certified internal auditor from bsi. Training on ISO QMS 9001:2008. Training on IPC-A-610 standard Training on visual management, Kaizen & 5 S’’ Well versed about 5S, 8D, 7QC tools, 4M, 3R, 4R, kaizen, kanban, poka yoke, PPAP, SPC, ECN,

BE+PGDBA_13-year experience in QA

Career Center | Gurgaon, India | Engineering,Management,Production,Purchasing,Quality Control

1. Quality Function Management • Ensure timely inspection at incoming, in-process & outgoing stage. • Non-conformance review & reporting. • Decision making - Right disposal of Non-conforming material. • Determination of Vendor Quality rating (VQR

Express Newsletter: auditing (18)

Partner Websites: auditing (19)

Audit Committee Charter | Nordson Corporation

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |

. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The Committee shall have the following authority and responsibilities: To (1) select and retain an independent registered public accounting firm to act as the Company's independent auditors for the purpose of auditing the Company's annual financial statements, books, records

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

The figures of the trade fair at a glance


Würth Elektronik Yamaichi Electronics Deutschland All data collected and audited independently Auditing: We are a member of the Society for Voluntary Control of Fair and Exhibition Statistics (FKM

auditing searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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2024 Eptac IPC Certification Training Schedule

Training online, at your facility, or at one of our worldwide training centers"
See Your 2024 IPC Certification Training Schedule for Eptac

Nozzles, Feeders, Spare Parts - Siemens, Fuji, Juki, Yamaha, etc...
Formic Reflow Soldering

Stencil Printing 101 Training Course
PCB Handling with CE

Wave Soldering 101 Training Course
PCB separator
