New SMT Equipment: av-2500 (1)

Pico electronics

Pico electronics

New Equipment | Components

F-28003 G-29220 G-29480 W-26310 Y-27160 Y-27660 P-9320 P-9520 K-7215 88660 88570 88180 88085 88680 74020 89550 F-28005 G-29225 G-29485 W-26315 Y-27165 Y-27665 P-9325 P-9525 K-7218 88760 88670 88280 88185 88780 74025 74110 F-28010 G-29230 G-29490 W-

zhengzhou yuzhe electronic technology co.,ltd

Used SMT Equipment: av-2500 (1)

Asymtek 618C

Asymtek 618C

Used SMT Equipment | Adhesive Dispensers

Asymtek 618C inline dispenser in good running order. Currently inline under power and air and can be demonstrated. The sale would also include two adjustable pumps not including the DV-01. (differant pumps are available) The DV-01 pump option is fitt

Mixed Logic

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