Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 14 18:27:38 EDT 2002 | kennyg
In regards to baking an assembly prior to hot air (BGA) rework.... 1) Do people always bake, sometimes or never? Does this depend on whether MS sensitive components are near the rework site? If a BGA is to be removed and reballed, baking is a no-br
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 15 10:12:44 EDT 2002 | davef
1) Do people always bake, sometimes or never? Does this depend on whether MS sensitive components are near the rework site? If a BGA is to be removed and reballed, baking is a no-brainer. Sometimes, based on the proximity of the MS components. >2)
Industry News | 2011-12-30 23:20:54.0
SMART Group, Europe’s largest technical trade association focusing on surface mount and related technologies, announces that it will host a workshop titled Handling Moisture-Sensitive Components & PCBs Without Failure on Wednesday, January 25, 2012 at the Stoke Mandeville Stadium in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, UK.
GPD Global | https://www.gpd-global.com/co_website/pdf/pbt/PBFT-VS-SPC-98-User-Guide-20030320-PBT-002D-FORCEWare-v3-01.pdf
. Also use this window to review prior test results. SPC SP C A na lysis Display and/or generate reports of SPC data for a user-defined group of test results over a user-defined date and t ime span. Exit Exits from the FORCEW are® control software. About
Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA) | https://www.smta.org/webinars/
requirements are established at the beginning of the development phase, prior to design completion. All these issues play a part of the design, manufacturing and performance of our end products. Attendees will receive an understanding of how to create good