Industry Directory: bga falling off (13)

a1technologies ltd

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Pls we are currently looking to buy a BGA Rework Station. Anyone with an offe should forward same to us.

Prosoyo Technology Limited

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Contract Manufacturer for Electronic Assembly

New SMT Equipment: bga falling off (88)

Unisoft ProntoVIEW-MARKUP - Assembly CAD Viewer & Gerber Viewer Software

Unisoft ProntoVIEW-MARKUP - Assembly CAD Viewer & Gerber Viewer Software

New Equipment | Software

ProntoVIEW-MARKUP is assembly CAD Viewer & Gerber Viewer software used by electronics manufacturers to quickly find components, pin, shorts between traces, etc.  ProntoVIEW-MARKUP is also a redline tool that allows annotation of the assembly to creat

UNISOFT Corporation

ASYMTEK NexJet NJ-8 Jetting System with ReadiSet Jet Cartridge

ASYMTEK NexJet NJ-8 Jetting System with ReadiSet Jet Cartridge

New Equipment | Dispensing

The NexJet® 8 Jetting System with patented ReadiSet™ Jet Cartridge offers increased jet frequency combined with advanced consumable management - it's as easy as ReadiSet and Jet. ReadiSet Jet Cartridge reduces operator training time, cost-of-owner

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

Electronics Forum: bga falling off (882)

MELF's falling off

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 17 17:27:08 EDT 2006 | adlsmt

Define "pretty easily". Did anyone ever do whatever is making them fall off now before? In most casses where a component "falls off" then someone implements a totally subjective test to make sure the rest of the parts wont "fall off" they damage a lo

MELF's falling off

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 17 15:31:29 EDT 2006 | TM

I've got some MELF packages that reflow and connect but later fall out of the solder pretty easily. We are not using epoxy but, the parts have fillets per IPC standards. We have not looked at cross-sectioning for IMC and don't plan to at the moment

Used SMT Equipment: bga falling off (21)

Samsung Pick and place machine  CP45FV

Samsung Pick and place machine CP45FV

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Samsung Samsung CP45FV-Neo advantages: 1, simple operation, flexible line change: Samsung's CP and SM series Mounter is recognized by the industry's most simple operation of the model, which uses WinXP system, compatible with Gerb files,

QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Panasonic NPM W2 pick and place machine

Panasonic NPM W2 pick and place machine

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

FEATURES ▶Higher productivity and quality with printing, placement and inspection process integration▶For larger boards and larger PCBs up to a size of 750 x 550 mm with component range up to L150 x W25 x T30 mm▶Higher area productivity through dual

QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Industry News: bga falling off (130)

Coretec, Inc. Reports 2002 Loss of $16.6M from Revenues of $69.5M

Industry News | 2003-03-06 08:29:50.0

Coretec experienced sequential growth in sales over the last four quarters and, while its yearly sales did decline, said its sales record still compares favorably


Circuit Board Burnouts

Industry News | 2003-03-31 09:31:11.0

Electronic contract manufacturers face tough realities


Parts & Supplies: bga falling off (19)

ASC International 3D SPI-7500 Vision CE

ASC International 3D SPI-7500 Vision CE

Parts & Supplies | SPI / Solder Paste Inspection

Quick programming, friendly programming interface Multiple measurement methods True one-button measurement Eight-way motion button, one-click focus Adjustable scanning pitch Solder paste 3D simulation function Powerful SPC function MARK

KingFei SMT Tech

KIC SMT Checker Profiler 6 Channel ..KIC start 6CH

KIC SMT Checker Profiler 6 Channel ..KIC start 6CH

Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories

12MM Calibration Tape .12MM Calibration Tape 20 Inch Folding Bike Ravel Case 20 Inch Folding Bike ravel Case 4*4.1200pcs/bag M0604 8MM Calibration Tape .8MM Calibration Tape 90 degree drive set 90 degree drive set A2E BGA Rework Station Temp Con

QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Technical Library: bga falling off (8)


Technical Library | 2023-01-17 17:22:28.0

The impact of voiding on the solder joint integrity of ball grid arrays (BGAs)/chip scale packages (CSPs) can be a topic of lengthy and energetic discussion. Detailed industry investigations have shown that voids have little effect on solder joint integrity unless they fall into specific location/geometry configurations. These investigations have focused on thermal cycle testing at 0°C-100°C, which is typically used to evaluate commercial electronic products. This paper documents an investigation to determine the impact of voids in BGA and CSP components using thermal cycle testing (-55°C to +125°C) in accordance with the IPC- 9701 specification for tin/lead solder alloys. This temperature range is more typical of military and other high performance product use environments. A proposed BGA void requirement revision for the IPC-JSTD-001 specification will be extracted from the results analysis.

Heller Industries Inc.

SMT Placement Machine Nozzle Maintenance and Operation Instructions from KINGSUN

Technical Library | 2023-08-14 09:06:53.0

In the operation of SMT mounter, the process and integrity of the nozzle of the mounter will have a significant impact on the performance of the machine. As one of the important components of the SMT machine, it is necessary for us to carry out daily maintenance and upkeep of the SMT nozzle. To ensure that the suction nozzle of the SMT machine is intact before operation, how should we do a good job of maintaining the suction nozzle of the SMT machine during normal use? KINGSUN technical team analysis operation has the following main points: 1.Wipe the surface of the SMT nozzle with a dust-free cloth. 2.The small aperture nozzle can be passed through with a thin steel wire and then blown with an air gun. 3.The surface of the nozzle should not be soaked with corrosive solution such as alcohol, as this may cause the surface to fall off. 4.HOLDER should use a cotton swab to wipe the cavity and not damage the filter screen. 5.Regular addition of special grease to HOLDER claws. 6.According to production, it is best to regularly maintain and do other maintenance regularly. (* Suitable for Yamaha SMT machine nozzles , JUKI SMT machine nozzles, Samsung SMT machine nozzles, Panasonic SMT machine nozzles, Fuji SMT machine nozzles, Siemens SMT machine nozzles etc.) Regarding the SMT machine nozzle daily maintenance operation instructions, KINGSUN share with you here , hoping to be helpful to you. More information about Products please Contact US at or visit , thanks.


Videos: bga falling off (43)

Chip Off 620 BGA Rework Station

Chip Off 620 BGA Rework Station


One unit currently in stock for immediate shipment. Ships from California. The Chip Off Model 620 SMD Rework System features touch screen operation and programming, upper and lower spot hot air heaters, ceramic coated area heaters, HD Split-Vision

Precision PCB Services, Inc

Shuttle Star BGA Rework Station Features

Shuttle Star BGA Rework Station Features


The 2014 Shuttle Star SV560 BGA Rework Station.

Precision PCB Services, Inc

Training Courses: bga falling off (1)

5-Day Hand Soldering, Rework & Repair Certification Training

Training Courses | | | PCB Rework and Hand Soldering Courses

The PCB rework and hand soldering courses courses cover techniques of rework and repair of PCBs, BGAs and other electronics assemblies, and teach fundamentals of soldering of electronics assemblies.

Precision PCB Services, Inc

Events Calendar: bga falling off (1)

Webinar: Stencil Design for Solder Paste, In Process Inspection & Process Defects

Events Calendar | Mon Mar 18 00:00:00 EDT 2019 - Mon Mar 18 00:00:00 EDT 2019 | ,

Webinar: Stencil Design for Solder Paste, In Process Inspection & Process Defects

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Career Center - Resumes: bga falling off (4)

SMT programming

Career Center | garaden grove, California USA | Engineering,Management,Production,Quality Control,Technical Support

11 years experience in SMT process.


Career Center | , Israel | Engineering,Maintenance,Technical Support

I was born on June , 1972 in Khmelnitsky city , Ukraine . I am male. From 1979 to 1987 I was studying at secondary school #7, having finished which I entered the Technical College of Khmelnitsky in specialty Machine Tools with Computer Numeric Contr

Express Newsletter: bga falling off (566)

Partner Websites: bga falling off (381)

PCB Libraries Forum : BGA Chamfer

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

: The BGA, CGA is an exception... Author: Tom HSubject: 727Posted: 03 Dec 2012 at 3:12pmThe BGA, CGA is an exception because the plastic package is lifted off the board surface by the Balls or Columns.  

PCB Libraries, Inc.

SolderTip #46: Open Connections Found on BGA Components | EPTAC


. It has been seen, over the years, that BGA components do warp and many times creates shorts in the center of the device itself. Based upon the size of the component, when this happens, the edges of the components are rising up off the surface of the PCB

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