Industry Directory: btu pyramax profiles (3)

Heller Industries Inc.

Heller Industries Inc.

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Reflow ovens for automated SMT PCB assembly, specializing in lead free processing and nitrogen reflow. The best convection reflow ovens on the market.

BTU International

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Global supplier of advanced thermal processing equipment and processes to the electronics assembly market.

New SMT Equipment: btu pyramax profiles (6)

PYRAMAX™ ZeroTurn Dual Chamber Reflow Oven

PYRAMAX™ ZeroTurn Dual Chamber Reflow Oven

New Equipment | Reflow

Eliminate reflow oven changeover time. The PYRAMAX ZeroTurn is designed for high volume electronics manufacturers who must also manage process mix and are dissatisfied with the poor process separation of other dual chamber machines. Get more out of

BTU International

Pyramax - Convection Reflow Oven

Pyramax - Convection Reflow Oven

New Equipment | Reflow

  BTU’s Pyramax™ family of high-throughput thermal processing systems is widely recognized as the global standard of excellence for both printed circuit board solder reflow and for semiconductor packaging. Pyramax™ systems provi

BTU International

Electronics Forum: btu pyramax profiles (110)

BTU pyramax

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 12 03:34:49 EST 2011 | rpatel28364

Hi SMarts We have two BTU in company and we are facing rediculas problem with it. The problem is: When we flow SOD123 Devices though oven. Oven fans are blowing parts away. It is causing regular problems with assemblies. Anybody have idea to reduce f

Pin Hole Issue after Reflow Soldering - Passive Components

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 13 05:11:58 EST 2018 | ameenullakhan

Hi, We are using 10+2 reflow oven ( BTU Pyramax 150 ). We have tried with short TAL ( RTS profile too ). As of Now we are using the attached profile, which has given us lot better results. But the issue is not eliminated. Thanks

Used SMT Equipment: btu pyramax profiles (96)

BTU Pyramax 150

BTU Pyramax 150

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Reflow

SMT Pick & Place Former Asset of Benchmark Electronics in North Dakota

Baja Bid

BTU Pyramax 100A

BTU Pyramax 100A

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Reflow

All of the details for this machine are located on our auction website.   Auction Link:

Baja Bid

Industry News: btu pyramax profiles (200)

Online Equipment Auction Now Open

Industry News | 2022-06-13 13:10:34.0

Items Including – 2014 ACE KISS 102 Selective Solder, 2014 On-Site N25T Nitrogen Generator, 2014 RPS FRX16 Selective Solder, Vitronics XPM2-940 Reflow Oven, 2008 Aqueous SMT600-CL Batch Washer, 2005 DEK Horizon 03 Screen Printer, 2004 Heller 1088EXL Reflow Oven, [2] 2002 BTU Pyramax 98A Reflow Ovens, 2001 Scorpion FLS650 Flying Prober, Mydata TM Style Magazines, Mydata Agilis Magazines, Mydata Agilis Feeders, Mydata Tray Wagons, [2] Bliss Pallet Racks & much more...

Baja Bid

Upcoming Equipment Auction

Industry News | 2022-06-01 11:27:16.0

Vitronics XPM2-940 Reflow Oven, 2014 RPS FRX16 Selective Solder, Mydata Agilis Feeders & Magazines & Much more...

Baja Bid

Parts & Supplies: btu pyramax profiles (9)

Assembleon SWITCH, T212-61194-033N 5322 280 40345

Assembleon SWITCH, T212-61194-033N 5322 280 40345

Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories

LAS Y Motor Belt Belt Y-Motor 330 mm 5322 358 31302 .. 5322 358 31302 Sensor ..5322 132 00056 TRANSMITTING SENSOR 8MM FOR FEEDER ..5322 132 00103 Transmitting Sensor 12mm ..5322 132 00105 Receiving Sensor 12mm ..5322 132 00106 Transmitting Senso

QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Videos: btu pyramax profiles (6)

BTU 150N Reflow Oven

BTU 150N Reflow Oven


2004 BTU Pyramax 150N X5 Reflow Oven 10 Zones (Top and Bottom Side Heaters) 2 Cooling Zones Edge Rail & Mesh Belt 7819 Operating Hours Nitrogen Capable Power: 380 / 220VAC; 3 Phase; 119A Machine Dimensions: 260" x 60" x 65"

Baja Bid

Pyramax Vacuum Reflow

Pyramax Vacuum Reflow


End solder voids with the new Pyramax Vacuum Reflow oven. Featuring easy process transfer and superior thermal profile control as well as full MES integration.

BTU International

Events Calendar: btu pyramax profiles (1)

Free Vacuum Reflow Workshop

Events Calendar | Tue Nov 05 00:00:00 EST 2019 - Tue Nov 05 00:00:00 EST 2019 | North Billerica, Massachusetts USA

Free Vacuum Reflow Workshop

BTU International

Career Center - Resumes: btu pyramax profiles (7)


Career Center | THRISSUR, India | Maintenance,Production

HANDLING OF MAINTENANCE Camelot,Mascot, Selective Soldering,Wave Soldering,Aquastorm 200,H-500 HI-Z,Kolb,kerry&PBT,GETECH, ATI 105 & Final Touch 101,Heller,Btu&vapour phase,Shuttle,SRT,ESD ,Electrical maintenance . Knowledge in using SLIM KIC 2000&


Career Center | ORLANDO, Florida USA | Engineering,Maintenance,Production,Technical Support

Manufacturing tech/eng for a contract manufacture for 10+ years. Been working in the SMT industry for a total of 20yrs. Have done everything from operator to process work. Most familiar with Assembleon, MPM, DEK, BTU,Electrovert, SLIM-KIC, SUPER-MOLE

Express Newsletter: btu pyramax profiles (497)

Partner Websites: btu pyramax profiles (117)

BTU Pyramax 150 Archives - Lewis and Clark

Lewis & Clark |

BTU Pyramax 150 Archives - Lewis and Clark Skip to content My Cart:  0 View Cart Checkout No products in the cart. Subtotal: View Cart Checkout Lewis and Clark We Discover Equipment Opportunities NH: 603-594-4229 FL: 813-888-7436 sales@lewis

Lewis & Clark

Morel BTU PYRAMAX 98 Gear 52153222 | QYSMT

QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd |

Morel BTU PYRAMAX 98 Gear 52153222 | QYSMT × Home about Us ABOUT US FAQ SMT spare parts SMT surplus equipment SMT peripheral equipments News Contact US 0 0 Sign in contact us Products BTU PYRAMAX 98 Gear Public Pricelist Public Pricelist BTU PYRAMAX 98 Gear

QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

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Best SMT Reflow Oven

World's Best Reflow Oven Customizable for Unique Applications
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