24 calmet - iron castings foundry, forgings, machined parts, stampings, assemblies results

Industry Directory: calmet - iron castings foundry, forgings, machined parts, stampings, assemblies (1)

Calmet - Iron Castings Foundry, Forgings, Machined Parts, Stampings, Assemblies

Industry Directory | Distributor / Manufacturer

Calmet is the leading iron casting exporters from India .We are the low cost casting supplier in China and India.Machined iron casting is our specialization.

New SMT Equipment: calmet - iron castings foundry, forgings, machined parts, stampings, assemblies (2)

Grey Iron Packer Wheel Casting

Grey Iron Packer Wheel Casting

New Equipment | Materials

Smooth Wheel in Grey Iron & Ductile Iron, that weighs 10 kgs. Size ranges are 15 Inches & 18 Inches: These wheels are used in tractors

Calmet - Iron Castings Foundry, Forgings, Machined Parts, Stampings, Assemblies

Grey Iron Dual Arm Pump Casing Casting

Grey Iron Dual Arm Pump Casing Casting

New Equipment | Materials

Dual arm casing casting is made as per ASTM A48 Class 30 gray iron standard. It is used to increase the efficiency of the pump with two motors. Position of two arms is maintained within 0.38 mm. Weight ranges from is 60 - 90 kgs across various sizes.

Calmet - Iron Castings Foundry, Forgings, Machined Parts, Stampings, Assemblies

Express Newsletter: calmet - iron castings foundry, forgings, machined parts, stampings, assemblies (21)

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