Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 15 18:43:58 EDT 1999 | Bob Ferguson
CAMALOT have a really good conversion system, COPS. It takes the placment machine data, which you have to generate anyway, and converts this instantly to the glue or solder pattern of the board required. You can also edit this file to change all the
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 16 09:22:03 EDT 1999 | Kathy Fox
| Does anyone know the best way to program my Camelot glue dispenser off line? I really like the machine, it just takes me too long to program it. We do contract work so I can get gerber data for all (most) of my assemblies. I need to get these pro
Used SMT Equipment | Adhesive Dispensers
Very Nice Camelot FXD 8000 Dispenser For Sale! Refurbished by the manufacturer Speedline Technologies - Camalot in 2013 See attached pictures and information below Equipment Description Camalot FXD Model Number: 8000-1 Serial Numbe
Used SMT Equipment | Adhesive Dispensers
Very Nice Camelot 1414 Dispenser For Sale! See attached pictures and information below Equipment Description Camalot Dispenser Model Number: 1414 Serial Number: 1414-30011 Year: 11/2001 Safety Light Curtains Auto Vision Alignment Resolut
Industry News | 2022-08-26 08:54:19.0
Count On Tools, Inc. (COT) is pleased to offer a 30 percent discount on in stock Glue Dispense Nozzles for Speedline Technologies – Camalot equipment.
Parts & Supplies | SMT Equipment
FUJI CP6 CP642 CP643 CP65 WPH2030 WPH0903 FILTER FUJI CP6 WPA5152 Solenoid valve SPCHA7-25-12-Z3B Square cylinder WPA5152, SPCHA7-25-12-Z3B, CP6/CP643 square cylinder with valve WPA5142; WPH0870 WPH2130 WPH2120 vacuum valve pressure piece XP142
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
FUJI CP6 WPA5152 Solenoid valve SPCHA7-25-12-Z3B Square cylinder WPA5152, SPCHA7-25-12-Z3B, CP6/CP643 square cylinder with valve WPA5142; WPH0870 WPH2130 WPH2120 vacuum valve pressure piece XP142 vacuum PIN ADNPH8170 Vacuum break PIN ADNPH8180
www.unisoft-cim.com/pcbplace.htm - The ProntoPLACE module from Unisoft is used by electronics manufacturers to generate the necessary programs for automatic PCB assembly machines in minutes. ProntoPLACE programs most popular surface mount (SMT) place
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