Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 26 09:48:44 EDT 2016 | leeg
Have you taught the tray position in correctly, I dont know that particular machine but you normally teach in 3 positions. When you have done this have you re-optimised?
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 25 17:27:45 EDT 2016 | victoriajon
Up and running smoothly this morning, but got the attached error when switching from a reel feeder to a tray of the same part. We are getting this error message during setup - any suggestions are welcome. I am available to answer any questions that
GPD Global | https://www.gpd-global.com/co_website/pdf/doc/FLOware-Base-Locations-Reference-Guide-22100025.pdf
. Each base location is a set of coordinate values (XY or XYZ) for an automatic adjustment (such as purge and refresh). A base location is taught by jogging the gantry to the desired location