Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 24 17:09:04 EDT 2014 | molder
ok, thanks can you explain me how I can be sure that the past solder it is not more usable? what tests can I do for having the certainty to throw in the trash?
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 16 17:11:26 EDT 2011 | bobbydur
Ok, thanks to you all for your excellent advice. I'm ready to put this to bed now but just before I do, maybe there is 1 more thing I can try. Can you see RESET printed on the board above the buzzer and below the battery? There are 2 silver points in
Industry News | 2012-04-30 14:28:32.0
The job of testing or demonstrating materials and process compatibility just became easier with the newly released IPC-9203,
Industry News | 2011-10-13 04:38:26.0
How are drilling and routing machines and equipment manufacturing companies performing? What strategies do they employ? What is the value of dual spindle technology and is it a global trend? To answer the third question, first you'll have to keep on reading about this fascinating technology which is becoming more and more important in the US, as well as in Asia.
Technical Library | 2012-04-12 21:25:13.0
Surface mount technology (SMT) started in the 1960s and became more common in the 1980s. It is the dominant technology in use today. Through-hole technology is still in use, and will be for the foreseeable future, but the drive towards miniaturization of
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. Few of them are aware that PCBs can be assembled, prototyped, and fabricated at affordable prices in the United States. Manufacturers turning to local suppliers of PCBs should know a bit about the market
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. Hopefully some control will be given in the drafting tab of the part to offset the marker and to select among the 9 different shapes. Still it would be great, that after a part is released, then we could revise it, change some dimensions while having an option to preserve the keepout and hand placed markers